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The Colony - Full Story [PICTURE HEAVY]


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The Colony

Author's Note

I'm working on this story along with my other one. So I'd appriciate if you would bear with me.

I will work on both every day. Even sometimes i'll work all day on both of them. Like i did today, I played 0 hours of KSP Today to bring cool stories to the Forums! :). So in return, All i ask is you bear with me. :)

To do & Upcoming Parts

Nothing much as of now because i just started.

But more will be added when i get more on my list.

Chapter 1: The Idea

Kerbal Space Center 2000 Aprox. AD Year 2014. Time: 6:00 AM Aprox. Arrival Time of the Staff.

Bill: Hello, Wernher Von Kerman.

Wernher Von Kerman: Hello, I actually need a favor.

Bill: What is it?

Wernher Von Kerman: I need you to give this part to Denglay The Head of Engineers.

Bill: Oh okay, No problem.

Wernher Von Kerman: Thank you, I'll see you at the missions meeting.

Bill: Your welcome. I'll see you there.

Bill: Mr. Denglay?

Denglay: Yes?

Bill: I have this part, Wernher Von Kerman Told me to give it to you.

Denglay: Oh yes thank you very much!

At the missions meeting

Douglas: Okay, Everyone here?

Bill: Gresham had to reschedule, He said he'll send you a email for his idea.

Douglas: Okay, Thank you.

Douglas: Now like any other mission meeting we need ideas.

Bill: How about we start a colony on the mun?

Douglas: That's crazy! Explain this.

Bill: I'm sure i was pretty clear. But, What if we started a colony on the mun?

Douglas: You don't know how crazy your--

Wernher Von Kerman: It's not a bad idea. It's possible. This way we won't miss anything in our SOI. Also, Just because bill isn't as famous as you Doesn't mean you can be mean when he gives an idea.

Douglas: Coming from you, That means something.

Bill: What does it mean? Are we going to do it?

Denglay: I'll support bill, It's a fabulous idea.

Denglay: How about all people who agree say "I"

Wernher Von Kerman: I

Denglay: I

Bob: I

Jebediah: I

Douglas: It's unanimous!

Bill: So going to call half of the meeting and most trusted staff, Crazy?

Douglas: Bill, You got a good future for you. Also, It's unanimous. I'll call it...Project Xenon.

Chapter 2: The Plan

2014 Kerbal Space Center 2000 Aprox. AD Time: 1:00 PM

Denglay: So, Bill. Douglas made you the head of this operation, Which means you will control what we do. I got a surprise for you.

Bill: What is it?

Denglay: You'll see.

Wernher Von Kerman: Hello, Bill! I'm going to help you manage this operation.

Bill: Oh! Thank you so much.

Wernher Von Kerman: Okay bill. Before i make this official, Is 12:00PM For the launch OK?

Bill: Yes, Go ahead and Tell the News.

Wernher Von Kerman: Okay.

Denglay: Bill, The engineers have finished their testing craft. Would you like to see it?

Bill: Sure.

Denglay: Okay, Engineers get the craft down here!

Engineers: Okay!

Engineers: Here's the craft.

Bill: Great!

Wernher Von Kerman: Is the craft ready for launch?

Bill: Is the craft ready, Engineers.

Engineers: It's still in it's testing phase!

Wernher Von Kerman: We'll have to make do, We got so much People out there waiting. The news is even broadcasting!

Engineers: Hmm, I don't think that's a good idea.

Wernher Von Kerman: Why?

Engineers: As i said this is in the testing phase. It's not safe!

Wernher Von Kerman: Well, I hate to say i don't care. But we're going to have to.

Engineers: I warned you! I hope you'll be safe.

At the launchpad

Bill: Testing mic, 1, 2, 3 Testing Mic.

Wernher Von Kerman: What do you think you are, A band? Haha

Bill: Well, You ain't a sight for sore eyes Haha.

Engineers: Bill, The rockets on the launchpad.

Bill: Copy.

Wernher Von Kerman: Kerbalnaughts report in.

Kerbalnaughts: Reporting in, Jebediah And Bob Here.

Wernher Von Kerman: On your go bill.

Bill: T minus 30 Seconds...

Bill: T minus 20 Seconds...

Bill: T minus 10 Seconds...

Bill: Ignition Sequence Started, T minus 5 Seconds.

Bill: T minus 4

Bill: T minus 3

Bill: T minus 2

Bill: T minus 1

Bill: We have a Liftoff!

Chapter 3: The Colony

Jebediah: I'm not to sure of this, Bob.

Bob: There's no going back now. We're in space.

Jebediah: Yeah...I know but i mean about this mission.

Bob: If Wernher Von Kerman says it's a good idea, Then it'll all be okay.

Bill: This is KSC To Munar Colony 12, Hello?

Jebediah: We copy.

Bill: Okay, We need you to send us in a picture at your current Phase.

Jebediah: We copy, I'll send it in. Expanding Communotron 16.

Jebediah: Broadcasting Now.


Bill: Okay, I need you to aim prograde.

Jebediah: Copy.

Jebediah: Burning Now.

Bill: Okay, Once your orbit is big enough to get a mun encounter Respond to KSC.

Jebediah: Copy, Burning now.

Jebediah: We have mun encounter. Warping to intercept.

Bill: Copy.

Jebediah: Ready to separate to lander staging.

Bill: Copy. You have permission to separate staging.

Jebediah: Copy.


Bill: We've detected Your landed, Is this correct?

Jebediah: Correct, Extending Ladder Now.

Bill: Copy.

Jebediah: KSC, We've had a problem.

Bill: What is it?

Bill: Respond! What is it?

Wernher Von Kerman: We've lost contact with Munar Colony 12.

Bill: Oh no...They can't be dead!

Wernher Von Kerman: There's not much we can do, Bill.

Bill: This mission's NOT over yet. They can't be dead.

Bill: Munar Team 1-1.

Dersta: This is the commander of Munar Team 1-1, What do you need?

Bill: Munar Colony 12, We've lost contact with them. I think they crashed, Their signals 12km ahead of your Station. I need your team to rescue and/or secure the crash site.

Dersta: Copy. Moving in now.


Bill: Status?

Dersta: We're about 10km from the signal.

Dersta: Wait, Calculations wrong. We're 5km from the signal.

Bill: Okay.

Dersta: We've arrived...Confirmed crash. What happened here?


Bill: I don't know, Is there any life?

Dersta: Negative at this point, Proceeding for further investigation.

Bill: Copy.

Dersta: Negative on life...They died.

Bill: No...

Engineers: Oh no...

Wernher Von Kerman: This is all my fault! If i didn't send them in with an unsafe rocket this would not have happened!

Wernher Von Kerman: No, Why!

Wernher Von Kerman: No, No no--

Bill: Pull yourself together, Man!

Bill: I am not anymore happy than you are.

Dersta: I hate to interrupt, But any orders or can we return to our station?

Bill: Scrounge any data you can about the crash if any, Then return to your station and send the data to the Head of Missions.

Dersta: Copy.

The end...


R.I.P Jebediah Kerman

R.I.P Bob Kerman

2010 To 2014


Edited by ThatKerbal
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