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The Aperture Science Moon Rocks Initiative


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Hello! Cave Johnson here. A lot of people have been asking us "Cave, how do you and your team of handsome experts acquire the moon rocks needed to make your special white portal gel?" Well, let me start off with a popular saying: "When Life Gives You Lemons,

Make Lemonade!". Although my company's special combustible lemons were taken off the market months ago, I thought I should give this saying another shot. Since we had so much steel and whatever left over from the Perpetual Testing initiative, I told my subjects from the multiverse to use the materials in a way that would be beneficial for Aperture as a whole, and after a while, one of the octopuses from the multiverse handed me blueprints for this:


What is that? Well that my friend is a rocket! How does it work? Well my expert friend here says it flies into space and releases various payloads into orbit, and it is fueled by leftover combustible lemons. It's called "The Adventurer - Mark 1" This rocket was our pioneering step into space back in the 80's. We were far away from going to the moon at that point, but we needed to get better at putting these things into orbit. Anyway, before I go attend to business, here is a mission log with pictures... don't ask how we got them, or we'll have to kill you.

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