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Kerbal History Show! - The Show About Kerbal History


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Kerbal History Show Episode #1 With your favorite host, Jebediah Kerman or Jeb! :D

Jeb: Hello viewers and crowds! Welcome to the first episode of The Kerbal History Show! Today we'll be looking at how the Kerbol System was formed! Also we have a special guest! Everyone welcome Bob Kerman Expert on Kerbal History! He'll be with us for a few episodes of The Show About Kerbal History!

Bob: Hello, Jeb.

Jeb: Hello, Let's not waste anymore time with introductions and get this ball a' Rollin, Woulden't you agree bob?

Bob: Yes i would.

Jeb: First off, Can you tell us how kerbol was formed? Was it like our late ancestors, the humans?

Bob: You could say that Even though earth had 2 beliefs, Ours is only one belief. There isn't any other beliefs to believe.

Jeb: Hmm, Interesting.

Bob: Yes it was a very interesting time.

Jeb: I can tell already you know a lot about kerbal history! Let's keep going.

Bob: Yes. The forming of kerbol wasn't quick, In fact. It was 20000 Light years until kerbol was finally formed.

Jeb: Oh, Really?

Bob: Yes. It all started a few light years after earth was desolated by a asteroid.

Jeb: Oh?

Bob: It all happened when a few debris of earth, Approximately 200 Debris of earth's crust and surface somehow got on a Trajectory into each other.

Jeb: Interesting.

Bob: Their distance was told in legend, About 200 Light years away from each other. Thus the reason it took 20000 Light years for Kerbol to be formed.

Jeb: Oh this is interesting, indeed.

Bob: So, After the 200 Light Years passed the debris finally impacted each other.

Jeb: So why was it 20000 Light Years?

Bob: Because the impact was so hard all of the debris turned into more rocks and they all flew out in different directions. I've actually brought a picture created from our scientists when the early days of Kerbal Space Center Was more focused on our legend than space exploration. Thus simulated all the debris flying out into other directions.

Jeb: Oh, Cool! Let's get that on our screen.


Jeb: Oh, Wowee!

Bob: Indeed. And it took the rest of the light years for the big event to take place.

Jeb: Big Event?

Bob: Also referred to as, The Kerbol BANG!

Jeb: Oh! I thought i learned about that in school?

Bob: Haha, Yes jeb. So when the last day of the 20000 Light Years Drew near. There was about 4 days left.

Jeb: Oh interesting.

Bob: The debris suddenly clustered all together and was pulled into a star. Upon impact the star blew up into a million pieces.

Jeb: Oh!

Bob: Then after 2 days of the pieces wandering deep space, They came upon a medium sized star. Approximately the Size of minmus, But a little more smaller.

Jeb: Oh okay.

Bob: The star was bigger than the pieces and they we're pulled into the star, The pieces we're so small that they didn't blow up the star. But made it bigger. Forming our sun. Then the 2 last days of the event...

Jeb: Continue, Please Thus is so enriching!

Bob: The milky way, The galaxy of our late ancestors. Exploded into pieces. Those pieces then flew all the way into the sun we have, Blowing the sun up forming Kerbol. The sun we have is what is left of the sun.

Jeb: Wow! This was interesting. Well my friends i'm afraid we're out of time, But we have time to show one more picture before we go! Be watching for episode 2!

Bob: Here's the picture, Jeb.

Jeb: Okay, Let's get that up on the screen.


Bob: This is kerbol's sun before The Big Event!

Jeb: That's way bigger than we have! That's all for this episode, Be waiting for episode 2!

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Now we're back folks! With the Kerbol History Show! With your most favorite host, Jeb!

Jeb: Hello folks! Great to be back! When we left off bob was telling us about how our beautiful system was formed, Let's continue shall we?

Bob: Let's shall. We didn't always have all of the planets we do now.

Jeb: We didn't?

Bob: No not at all. Back in the early days of kerbol it was just Kerbin and the Mun with the Sun.

Jeb: Hmm, Please continue.

Bob: After a few years when the KSC Was more enriched with our history, There was a shocking event called the Planetor.

Jeb: Planetor?

Bob: Yes, A giant asteroid impacted with another and another and another forming all of our planets we have today.

Jeb: Oh. That's interesting, Do you have a picture?

Bob: Yes! Here it is.

Jeb: Okay cool, Let's show it to the viewers.

Bob: It isn't much showing we didn't have all the planets we do, But it was the only thing we could get at the time.

Jeb: That's okay.


Jeb: Wow how old those days we're...

Bob: Yes it was old.

Jeb: So, When did the KSC focus more on space exploration?

Bob: After a few years, they found what they could on our origins. Then sought out on a more harder challenge. Space Exploration.

Jeb: Cool, When was the first munar landing?

Bob: Back when we didn't have all the other planets. Here's a picture.

Jeb: Okay let's get that up there.


Jeb: Very nice, We'll be back folks after these pointless commercials!

Sorry i had to cut it short! Other Episodes will be full Length!

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We're back after those horribly pointless commercials!

Jeb: Hello viewers! We left off when bob was telling us about the early days of kerbol and KSC!

Bob: Been a blast these past few episodes!

Jeb: Yes it has.

Bob: So, When the first kerbal landed on the mun it was a happy day for KSC!

Jeb: Who exactly was that kerbal?

Bob: You were!

Jeb: Oh yes i was...no i don't want to go to minmus!

Bob: Haha. So then bill kerman was the first man to set foot on the surface of minmus.

Jeb: Oh?

Bob: I have a picture, Can i do the show up thing?

Jeb: Oh no, I saw this on the kerb kerman show. Thank you Xacter that series is so funny! I just had to reference to you!

Bob: Please?

Jeb: Oh fine, What can possibly go wrong.

Bob: Yay!


Jeb: Okay, Very nice. No! i don't want to go to laythe, MAYBE LATER!

Bob: So then they returned to KSC! I have a picture of KSC Back then.


Jeb: I say, That is very different.

Bob: Yes it was.

Jeb: What was the first successful landing to duna?

Bob: The dunar 12 mission had a lot of fails. But i do have a picture of the flag, Then i'll talk on the fails and success.

Jeb: Okay, let's see it.

Bob: What's the button to make the picture go on screen?

Jeb: Oh for kerbol sakes, Give me the remote.

Bob: Here, haha!


Jeb: That's cool.

Bob: It was, The fails we're very often. They discouraged alot of kerbals.

Jeb: Well, I can tell.

Bob: Approximately 2 Years it took to finally land on duna.

Jeb: Picture?

Bob: Yes.


Jeb: I'm afraid that's all we have time for! Be waiting for episode #3!

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