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Just finished my First Cinematic and I'd love your oppinions!


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Hello! :D

I recently took an interest in making cinematics and i completed my first one a few hours ago

(In it i know that there is the mouse, Bit of a problem with Fraps but will be fixed for the next one!)

Hope you guys enjoy! It's all about the Kerbals first making base on Duna :D


- Andrew

(Ps: I don't know if i have posted this in the right place xD If i haven't then please could you send me a link to the right section of the forum where i can put this, thanks!)

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I love KSP movies, I don't know why but I always get emotional watching them, and this short film has become one of my favorites so far! You are great at designing space ships and also catching wonderful angles! Now you have a fan that wishes to watch some more a little longer movies from you...

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I hope you'll find this criticism constructive, and note that I do videos on an amateur basis so I'm not going to pretend to have a degree in film editing. Starting off, I like the intro and the music is fitting and works pretty well throughout the video. The initial launch sequence is really cool, but it then comes to an abrupt and unsatisfying conclusion. Then there are the odd jump cuts, like when the Kerbals arrive and the exterior is just 'open' all of the sudden. I don't know if that's because you built it or what but its just really jarring, and most of what you did suffers from odd cut choices. I get that the video is about them going to another planet, but it skips pretty much everything relevant such as arriving at Duna, entering the atmosphere, etc... I also assumed the Kerbals were AT Duna because you never implied there would be a second mission, so when it pops up it seems completely out of the blue.

Over all I think you've shown you have the eye for some good shots, but you'll want to work on tying it altogether into a unifying video. And as a last critique, 'opinions' only has one 'p'. I think this probably encourages more people to actually look at your thread, but it also represents yourself badly if you are serious about making content.

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