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HSTW Drone Race -- closed.


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O.K, finally it\'s a stable flight at 2 500 m and 90 m/s. It\'s been 10 minutes since the robot has set a course of 0° and since then it hasn\'t deviated by a second.


That\'s exactly the results I\'ve been expecting from this challenge. Mission completed 8)

I\'ll be still accepting future attempts though I doubt someone can beat Iskierka\'s 500-km entry. It\'s a one-hour flight after all :)

Iskierka, I must ask you for a permission to release next version of HSTW Drone with your construction of tailfins. You will be listed as a Aerodynamics chief consultant in CFGs\' \'Author\' fields.

Do you agree?

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That\'s interesting, what speeds are you launching at and how quickly are you firing the drone\'s engine? Launched quickly I could see the possibility of backflips.

Well, it was a range from 90 to 150 m/s, I was noticing a gradual tendency for the drone to want to aim itself at, say, 5-10 degrees above the horizon, even before firing the engine. It wasn\'t a backflip by far, but it wasn\'t flying straight no matter how I launched it. Even while pointing 10d down to counter it, it returned to that same attitude. This seems to be a balancing issue or something to do with the decoupler, because it starts to pitch as soon as it\'s decoupled. By the way, I added a gimballing C7 engine to the rear of your plane and pitched up too hard while trying to chase the drone (can\'t seem to fly stable at its\' max speed) and now Mrs. Kerman would like a word with you about her 6 dead boys... :o

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Sure, go ahead, though they\'re fairly minor alterations.

Since you seem to be the only one here who could apply those \'minor alterations\' that would be fair :)

And here is the prize. H&S Tinkering Workshop will model and texture any single KSP part at your discretion. The part will be sent directly to you with an empty \'Author\' field rather than released.

What part would you choose?

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Well, it was a range from 90 to 150 m/s, I was noticing a gradual tendency for the drone to want to aim itself at, say, 5-10 degrees above the horizon, even before firing the engine. It wasn\'t a backflip by far, but it wasn\'t flying straight no matter how I launched it. Even while pointing 10d down to counter it, it returned to that same attitude. This seems to be a balancing issue or something to do with the decoupler, because it starts to pitch as soon as it\'s decoupled. By the way, I added a gimballing C7 engine to the rear of your plane and pitched up too hard while trying to chase the drone (can\'t seem to fly stable at its\' max speed) and now Mrs. Kerman would like a word with you about her 6 dead boys... :o

Yeah, balancing an aircraft to launch, level out, and maintain its launch altitude is 'kinda hard' to say the least. This goes for a second best and has a design which will launch, then seek out and fly at a pre-defined altitude and speed (with mine, 8.5 km 191 m/s.) Tosh\'s rebalance apparently has gone for 2.5 km and 90 m/s. So, it\'ll only fly straight and level from launch if launched from that point. And heh, I did half-suspect there may be stability issues with default C7 parts ...

I\'m really not sure what part I\'d choose to have. I mainly wanted to try make this fly for the fun of it :P Can I get back to you on that?

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I\'m really not sure what part I\'d choose to have. I mainly wanted to try make this fly for the fun of it :P Can I get back to you on that?

Yes, feel free to PM me at any time. I currently have no idea what I\'d like to model next, so... it\'s up to you)))

Thanks again for your help!

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Since the release of The Drone v2.6 launching that bird no longer makes a challenge; so I\'m closing the topic.

Thanks again to everyone! :)

Iskierka, I\'m looking forward to your message concerning the part you choose :).

Final test flight: the drone tuned by Iskierka is accompanied by pandoras kitten\'s QF-106.


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