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1st Kerbal Space Photography Contest

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Title: Hypnagogia



I thought on the theme of danger and discovery, and tried to roleplay into the mind of a brave early kerbonaut. Here is Bill, performing his final pre-flight inspection, on the threshold of climbing to the top of a missile which will blast him towards the ever-mysterious Mun. He's fearful, but hopeful, that the very real risk that he's about to undertake will bring new knowledge for the good of Kerbalkind. As he watches the alien world that is his destination rise up against the setting Sun, he is arrested in place as an indescribable cocktail of emotions bubble up, one which he will not allow us to see...

Edited by I_Killed_Jeb
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Duna science!â„¢ pack.


This was my first 0.22 Duna mission, and I decided to go for efficency. It was an orbiter/lander pack, in which the orbiter was also the fuel tank that would get them there. At a whooping mass of ~1.8t at LKO, I think I did pretty well. :)

Used Universe Replacer.

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