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Per-Biome science values & Micro Biomes for Anomalies

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Especially on Kerbin, reaching some biomes is way more difficult than others (Launchpad vs. Poles/Mountains/Badlands), yet they all have the same science value. I think there should be a biome-specific science value modifier that reflects the difficulty of reaching/landing there. This would give players an incencitive to actually reach the more valuable remote locations on Kerbin, especially during the early phases of a career game.

Further, if you introduce these modifiers, one could make very small biomes at the locations of the anomaly sites and give them additional value. Nailing a landing at a Munar Arch (etc.) should be rewarded via in-game mechanics, and not just give players something more interesting to look at.

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My vote would be tentatively against this, simply because it is unrealistic. Yes, you can go on about little green men, but at the end of the day, KSP is grounded in the principles of our universe to a large extent. As such, if there are going to be per-biome modifiers, it should have a more logical reason to be worth more than merely that it is far away. To an extent, this would make sense, but I don't think just having a modifier based purely on the distance from home something is is a good idea; it has to take into account just how scientifically interesting each biome is to begin with.

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I agree that having extra science for distance travelled on Kerbin isn't really appropriate. I mean we're bulding space rockets to travel thousands of miles for goodness' sake, a few kilometers around kerbin isn't really going to stretch us!

On the other hand I do like the anomalies idea. Finding these special locations could bring us great benefits... although saying that it could unbalance the game. If I find such an anomaly and get a big boost of science (or maybe currency) from it then I can leap ahead in the research tree and remove some of the fun challenge from the game. Once I know where it is then I can find it every game - unless there was random spawning involved, which I doubt as there's no random things going into the game.

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