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Sail to yor country/state

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Pretty much the same as fly to your country, just sail to it

Using as submarine mod or making a boat your self out of any mods or stock, and no .cfg edits, try to sail to your country or state, if it\'s actually coast

Rules: no .cfg edits: only cfg edits on the engines so your ship or sub can move faster

Mods allowed

Must say in water 99% of the time

All you need to do is either hit your country or go in visible sight of it

Leader boards for fastes:




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Sailing would probably require greater time compression than 2x, if realistic ship speeds were used.

I also wish ground effects would be modelled in future, enabling Ekranoplan type vehicles.

Besides, Lun rhymes with Mun :)

It did take longer then I thought. To get to my state

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He wins.

Pretty much

You DO realise that not everyone has a country/island? And what about the person that owns the land where KSC is?

Of course I know, that\'s why I put state to, and so? Only people who have a country/state can do this challenge then

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I also wish ground effects would be modelled in future, enabling Ekranoplan type vehicles.

We\'ve no ground effects but we have hydroplane gear. It withstands more than 500m/s in the water; and that (provided that \'cfg edits on the engines\' are allowed) could do the job. Thrust 10000, fuel consumption 0.00001... 8)

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