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How does someone get started in modding for KSP?

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Ive been looking around for information and have little success in finding out how to get started in this. Im mostly interested in making parts, with eventually trying to make some plugins if I can figure it out. Ive got no experience with coding, modeling or making textures. Ive messed with .ctg file a bit so I know a little bit of that. So where can someone like myself find information that is up to date on jumping into this big world of modding for KSP? :)

Also I hope this is in the right place....

Edited by Rassa Farlander
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For a really basic, and really helpful overview of Blender just look down the page a bit on this forum for the blender tutorial thread. It's got a few quick videos that should at least get you started with part modeling.

I also found this thread really useful for the basics of importing models into Unity:


And this thread has lots of info on everything:


But really those quick Blender and Unity tutorials should be enough to at least get you started. I was in the same boat you're in about 6 weeks ago, and now I've put this part pack together: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25013-Compilation-of-modding-information-links-for-0-19-20-21-22-23-Last-update-10th-Jan

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