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[WIP] Talisar Aerospace - Current project Large Upper Stage coop with Chaka Monkey ES


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  Deathsoul097 said:
If the Fairings are just going to ba a single part of predetermined size, could you not just create a payload base on the top of the Upperstage as one separate part that uses the moduleJettison to auto create the fairings, and removes them when decoupled, or by right clicking, in the same way as the LV-N?

The working plan right now is for the upper fairing will be a solid piece ring which is a decoupler top and bottom with a lip on the inside top. It would stack directly under anything the same size and be the decoupler. The recommended payload base would be the base ring from procedural fairings, alternatively the SDHI base ring for the smaller size applications. We do not want to use auto create fairings.


( Talisar Aerospace Large Upper Stage )

Edited by YANFRET
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Yep, that is indeed an mainsail. That particular one has a diameter of 8.4m for the large tank on top. We'll also be releasing downscaled versions that will match up with kerbal-sized constructions, and we're tossing around the idea of having multiple texture options. For the time being, the project is in YANFRET's hands for texturing, and I for one am excited to see what he does with it!

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  Talisar said:
Yep, that is indeed an mainsail. That particular one has a diameter of 8.4m for the large tank on top. We'll also be releasing downscaled versions that will match up with kerbal-sized constructions, and we're tossing around the idea of having multiple texture options. For the time being, the project is in YANFRET's hands for texturing, and I for one am excited to see what he does with it!

It's majestic!

Poll: What colour do you guys think the fuel lines should be? I think faded red would be nice, or maybe Orange, gray, off black or white. There will be a subtle insulation texture and bump map on them.

Edited by YANFRET
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I just wanted to drop a quick update here so people know this is still alive. The textures YANFRET is making look great, and he's just in the initial planning stages of them! We're going back and forth doing some tweaks to get the template just right, and once we get that finalized and he gets some renders that he feels are good enough quality to share we'll be posting them here. I'm frankly amazed at how good he is making this look!

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  Talisar said:
I just wanted to drop a quick update here so people know this is still alive. The textures YANFRET is making look great, and he's just in the initial planning stages of them! We're going back and forth doing some tweaks to get the template just right, and once we get that finalized and he gets some renders that he feels are good enough quality to share we'll be posting them here. I'm frankly amazed at how good he is making this look!

It's true the part is looking nice.



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  Motokid600 said:
Yanfret.. the deadly reentry heat shields.. do you like them? No offence to the dev, but I've always thought the inflatable heatshields were ugly as hell. Any plans to retexture them?

That's a great question in fact the author has offered to work with us to create a bespoke inflatable heat shield for the Chaka Monkey project when progress resumes. In a post somewhere we referred to the heat shield pack as a "tropical assortment" regarding the flourish of colour you get with them.

So yes I was thinking white inflatable bits with gray detailing and an outer casing that matches the fairing. I would also like to find a way to get maximum re entry effects from the very top of Duna's atmosphere.

Edited by YANFRET
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  YANFRET said:
That's a great question in fact the author has offered to work with us to create a bespoke inflatable heat shield for the Chaka Monkey project when progress resumes. In a post somewhere we referred to the heat shield pack as a "tropical assortment" regarding the flourish of colour you get with them.

So yes I was thinking white inflatable bits with gray detailing and an outer casing that matches the fairing. I would also like to find a way to get maximum re entry effects from the very top of Duna's atmosphere.

Those colors would look great i think :) i dunno but when it comes to color choices on something it kinda makes it or breaks it for me lol :) guess that's my inside graphic designer speaking

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shameless bump.

This is looking fantastic. Heck, I'd even be willing to put some time into building a single, dual, and quad engine parts for the 2.5m kerbal scaled variant. I can't wait to see how that version gets textured. I'm hoping it will look as amazing as I think it will with Sumghai's SDHI service module pack.

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YANFRET's doing a great job on the texturing! I've been playing around with some engine models, but nothing that I think is very good. I've finally gotten my hands on some decent reference images, so once I have time to actually sit down and play with them I should be able to (hopefully) work up some decent engines for him to apply his texturing skills to as well :)

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  • 1 month later...

It's still in the works. YANFRET has it for texturing, but he is still occupied with real life stuff. We have some more optimizations we want to try out, but most of the heavy lifting on the modeling side is finished. At the moment it's up to the guy with actual artistic talent to make it look good when he has the time. :)

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  Talisar said:
It's still in the works. YANFRET has it for texturing, but he is still occupied with real life stuff. We have some more optimizations we want to try out, but most of the heavy lifting on the modeling side is finished. At the moment it's up to the guy with actual artistic talent to make it look good when he has the time. :)

Ahhhh sounds good lol :D great work so far and I can't wait!

Keep it cool :cool:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  Sippyfrog said:
Ahhhh sounds good lol :D great work so far and I can't wait!

Keep it cool :cool:


I opened the doors to the TALUS R&D hangar today and had a look at where we left off. Then, I checked in with Talisar about or next steps. After that, I put in a request with CPPB to see if he is interested in producing an RL10-B2 engine with extendable nozzles.


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the request in the thread was totally unclear :P just FYI.

as for that it is poissible. but whne i look at that engine i have no idea how it works lol. I think that the RD-0146 I have could be editable to fit. but I would not want to UV wrap it :) so if you get photos and junk of the part you want modelled I might beable. but i am pretty short free time wise.

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