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Kerbin Kolonization Konglomerate - Space Station/Base building Collab

Captain Sierra

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Hey Cap, you don't mind teaching me more advanced stuff on KSP? I get orbital mechanics but not how to build a rocket to go to far out plants, can you teach me a bit more about KSP? I might join this if I learn more.

Talk to me some over PM. I don't want to clutter this thread.

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Back on track, I'll be doing thee International Eve Base challenge this weekend with a modular base, the same style of which I'd like to do many of here. If anyone's curious to see how building these things go, especially on the beast that is Eve, I'll link that mission report.

In other news, I was given a good suggestion on the initialism thing. K3!

Now, isn't that so much better?

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Back on track, I'll be doing thee International Eve Base challenge this weekend with a modular base, the same style of which I'd like to do many of here. If anyone's curious to see how building these things go, especially on the beast that is Eve, I'll link that mission report.

In other news, I was given a good suggestion on the initialism thing. K3!

Now, isn't that so much better?

That certainly works. Good luck with the Eve base challenge!

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EDIT: What is the difference between a soft part and a hard part?

Haha, they aren't two different kind of parts.

The SOFT part count refers a target part count for the module in question. It helps to keep anything that you build under this part count.

The HARD part count refers to a part count that you cannot exceed, lest you risk rejection of your contribution.

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Haha, they aren't two different kind of parts.

The SOFT part count refers a target part count for the module in question. It helps to keep anything that you build under this part count.

The HARD part count refers to a part count that you cannot exceed, lest you risk rejection of your contribution.

I'm not that strict about it, but if all your modules exceed the hard part count by double digit numbers, I'll probably ask your to trim them down some. It's mainly a lag preventative because I don't know the capabilities of everyone's hardware. Example: I was building some station modules for my own project a ways down the road and I have one module over the hard cart count limit by 2. It just so happens it's because of the RCS thrusters. Now, it would add dozens of parts to the tug docking craft for it if I removed them, so I'd probably let it fly as is unless I can find some other places to trim misc. parts.

Thank you to SkyHook for explaining that first. Xetalim, you are welcome to join. According to Monopropellant, our first project is to be an LKO fueling station. So long as you can orbit med. weight payloads and dock, you'll be just fine!

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I'm not that strict about it, but if all your modules exceed the hard part count by double digit numbers, I'll probably ask your to trim them down some. It's mainly a lag preventative because I don't know the capabilities of everyone's hardware. Example: I was building some station modules for my own project a ways down the road and I have one module over the hard cart count limit by 2. It just so happens it's because of the RCS thrusters. Now, it would add dozens of parts to the tug docking craft for it if I removed them, so I'd probably let it fly as is unless I can find some other places to trim misc. parts.

Thank you to SkyHook for explaining that first. Xetalim, you are welcome to join. According to Monopropellant, our first project is to be an LKO fueling station. So long as you can orbit med. weight payloads and dock, you'll be just fine!

Wait, so you intentionally ignored my first post?

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Can I join

Of course!

Wait, so you intentionally ignored my first post?

No, I tried to elaborate upon it, also trying to convey that I'm not super strict about it and why it was there. After all, a rule without a reason is a pointless and selfish rule.

EDIT: Baberbot, you can dock correct? The first project is to be an LKO fueling station lead by Monopropellant.

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No, I tried to elaborate upon it, also trying to convey that I'm not super strict about it and why it was there. After all, a rule without a reason is a pointless and selfish rule.

I think we misunderstand each other. I sent you a message.

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When will the first project start?

Moonopropellant should have the mission briefing in by next Friday. The modules will come roughly around the same time. Organizing a project isn't easy, so it's best not to rush the person doing it. YOu'll probably understand why when you see the scope of what a project really is in K3. It's a challenge. I'm working on making (or asking someone with better photoshop skills to make it for me) a special badge for people's sig that they get for being a K3 Project Leader.

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Did some refining of the modules today. All modules are pretty much done. I docked together a hyperedit model:

I still need to decide on a good orbit altitude. Also need a name. Any suggestions?

Looks good! I'd imagine LKO (75-100) would be the altitude based on its purpose.

As for a name, I'm sure I could give you a million acronyms, but I'm bad with names otherwise. Which brings up something else: Are we going to have a naming scheme for our projects? (Names in a theme, official designations, etc.)

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Looking sharp!

I'd say 350 for orbit. You don't want to be so low that a parking orbit can't rendezvous without time warping five months away. :P

350 is low enough to be easily accessible, high enough to escape kerbin ocean lag and create reasonable phase angle lineup times.

As for name, Monopropellant, you are project lead, it's your call all the way on both.

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Looking sharp!

I'd say 350 for orbit. You don't want to be so low that a parking orbit can't rendezvous without time warping five months away. :P

350 is low enough to be easily accessible, high enough to escape kerbin ocean lag and create reasonable phase angle lineup times.

As for name, Monopropellant, you are project lead, it's your call all the way on both.

Okay, thanks. I think I'll put it at 250 km. It's just high enough to take advantage of 1000x warp and is far away enough to not encounter much kerbin-lag (which renders below 160 km, I believe.). It's also gives a good oberth advantage for ships leaving kerbin.

As for the name, I've dubbed it Luther Space Station, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., since his birthday was this week. I'm putting together the briefing, I'll send it to you later today.

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Okay, thanks. I think I'll put it at 250 km. It's just high enough to take advantage of 1000x warp and is far away enough to not encounter much kerbin-lag (which renders below 160 km, I believe.). It's also gives a good oberth advantage for ships leaving kerbin.

As for the name, I've dubbed it Luther Space Station, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., since his birthday was this week. I'm putting together the briefing, I'll send it to you later today.

Okay. Soon as you have the briefing done with a project name, you can send that to me. I have specific instructions for sending them that helps preserve any BBCode formatting you use which I will pm you. I'll also start spamming PMs to the others and what not.


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