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When i build a large ship my game lags and glitches.

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I recently made a large ship (529 parts) but it seems my game can't handle it. When I remove parts, the debug console says null.reference.exception. Is there any way to fix this or at least ease the stress on my computer? Note: I'm running this game on a alienware X51. I've never had this happen before. My game has very good FPS, and doesn't take long to load.

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As far as I understand, the issue is not hardware, a high end computer will be bottlenecked by the engine's limitations. 529 parts is a lot, the engine simply can't keep up with the processing necessary to keep the game running at a stable rate. Do you really need that many parts, or are you just fooling around trying to make it as big as possible?

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Yeah if I manage to crash KSP to desktop its usually like this. The issue doesnt seem to be having lots of parts on my ship, the deal-breaker is when i 'pick-up' a lot of parts in the editor (like trying to save a complex launcher as a SA or adding a piece to the very top of your design). Havent found anything that fixes this particular issue, but it does also seem to occur when reverting such flights and/or sending them to the pad. Any time there are a lot of parts 'up in the air' computationaly.

KSP is limited to I think 3.5G of ram. At least on a windows platform anyway, you may be able to assign more on a linux rig. As mentioned above, most of the heavy-load is not multi-threaded, so my quad-core actually under performs my old monolithic 2G single core machine. You can try going through control panel and setting the affinity for ksp.exe to restrict it to a single core (i often bump it up to real-time priority at the same time).

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