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OF-8 Aethersprite (FAR, B9, Mechjeb 2)


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Warning: Pic-heavy post.


2014-01-13_00001 by ayhc, on Flickr

Intro: An SSTO light fighter modelled (but not terribly closely) on the Aethersprite ("Jedi starfighter"). Fairly manoeuvrable in-atmosphere and extremely easy to land (even I've managed to land this thing without crashing, and I have fists of ham). Don't count on much delta-V by the time you've put it in orbit, though. Packs four compact dumbfire missiles, staged individually (because trying to mount them using symmetry invariably broke KSP).


2014-01-14_00001 by ayhc, on Flickr


2014-01-14_00005 by ayhc, on Flickr


2014-01-14_00008 by ayhc, on Flickr


2014-01-13_00004 by ayhc, on Flickr


2014-01-14_00010 by ayhc, on Flickr

Action Groups:

1: Toggle turbojet

2: Switch RAPIER engine modes

3: Toggle intakes

4: Toggle RAPIER engines

[5 intentionally left empty]

6: Small airbrakes (will cause plane to pitch up slightly)

7: Large airbrakes (will cause plane to pitch up)

[8 and 9 intentionally left empty]

0: Docking port and illuminator

Ascent profile:

Stage, take off at 200m/s (there's plenty of lift, but the landing gear is quite far back). Lift nose to 45 degrees until 10km, then reduce rate of climb to <100m/s and accelerate (I'm lazy, so I use Mechjeb to prevent flameouts). It should be possible to get to about 29km on jet power alone (with Mechjeb; figure 27-28km on manual controls). Switch RAPIERs to closed-cycle, close intakes, and throttle down; you shouldn't even have to nose up very much. Wait until Ap is above 70km, and keep it there. Circularise.

Helpful tips for descent:

1: You must ensure that fuel and oxidiser from the rear tanks (there's one behind each ram air intake) are moved to the front FL-T800 tank before the vessel re-enters the atmosphere.

2: Do not attempt to use the airbrakes until atmospheric re-entry is completed (i.e. the whistling sounds stop) and you are below Mach 3 or so (conservatively I'd suggest Mach 2) - the plane will flip if you use them.

3: There is plenty of lift, even at low airspeeds. Use the airbrakes to slow down and pitch up if need be. Avoid using both small and large airbrakes at the same time.

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