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[0.23.5] Kerbal Space Industries [26APR14] [MFD 1.2]


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Hi! I see you have a blue background at the top of your screens. I added this as well, by editing the background overlay image. It now has a transparent red background. The problem is, though, that the text falls behind the overlay (naturally, it's an overlay=P) making the text a bit red. How did you manage to keep the letters all white, with that blue background?

Also, Hyomoto, very nice MFD's! Great work! I'm having trouble with being unable to back out a level from the Mod RPM page, but reading here has given me an idea on how to fix it. Lastly, if you want to, I'll post my additions - it consists of a new docking screen with data (like Super Hyomoto's) and docking cross-hairs, a resources page with delta-v, and a mix between the original and your navball. And, If I can fix it, background overlays with a red menu background;)

EDIT: I've also added an Actiongroups-page under INFO; It just reads what your actiongroups are (provided you've added that info to your vessel's description, like AG1=SolarPanels) and their state.

Edited by Kerbrud
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We sorely need a screen to be able to modify and/or delete maneuver nodes. When using Forced-IVA, the only way to delete them is through the map screen (or using MechJeb's Maneuver Planner.) It's fun doing a full-IVA mission with the interface overlay hidden.

If you're comfortable with hacking config files, you should have a look at these two pages:

https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/wiki/Action-handlers <Tie-in between RPM external plugins. I think it's mainly used for buttons. Anyways, there's a variable there for clearing nodes; "ButtonClearNodes" You could try assigning that to a button somehow=P

https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/wiki/Defined-variables <All variables that are used inside the MFD's - in other words, internal RPM. It's good to know about, if you wish to add information to the MFD pages. For instance, I've added Total/Stage Delta-V to my resources page=)

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Hi! I see you have a blue background at the top of your screens. I added this as well, by editing the background overlay image. It now has a transparent red background. The problem is, though, that the text falls behind the overlay (naturally, it's an overlay=P) making the text a bit red. How did you manage to keep the letters all white, with that blue background?

The text along the top is part of the overlay image itself.

If you're comfortable with hacking config files, you should have a look at these two pages:

https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/wiki/Action-handlers <Tie-in between RPM external plugins. I think it's mainly used for buttons. Anyways, there's a variable there for clearing nodes; "ButtonClearNodes" You could try assigning that to a button somehow=P

https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/wiki/Defined-variables <All variables that are used inside the MFD's - in other words, internal RPM. It's good to know about, if you wish to add information to the MFD pages. For instance, I've added Total/Stage Delta-V to my resources page=)

I'll take a look, thanks.

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EDIT: I've also added an Actiongroups-page under INFO; It just reads what your actiongroups are (provided you've added that info to your vessel's description, like AG1=SolarPanels) and their state.

There should already be AG buttons in IVA that you can press to toggle the AG and they're labelled as well... I think they're in all the pods, I know ALCOR has them at least.

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Any chance we could see a plugin for RemoteTech? At simplist maybe just some readouts about range and probe relays involved, but could also expand to include control over other (detached) vessels, or view their cameras within a certain range. This idea could potentially incorporate some kind of progressive signal noise with range? I'm just thinking how awesome it'd be if you could control/view through detached probes from your ship for stuff like docking maybe, or control hubs.

I had a look at the DEV probe control room mod, but am kinda unclear as to what it actually does besides using the already existing MFD mods and implementing a WIP cockpit? :/

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There should already be AG buttons in IVA that you can press to toggle the AG and they're labelled as well... I think they're in all the pods, I know ALCOR has them at least.

Well, at least in the MK1-2 pod there are buttons you can push which are assigned to the actiongroups, but they're not labeled. I haven't looked into how we would go about labeling them, so it was easier just writing the actiongroups page. It would be cool having real buttons though, as in the Alcor pod =) I just made a killer Alcor pod kethane miner which I landed on the Mun. It felt pretty good keying in "SolarPanels", "LockSusp" (suspension locking for the landing legs) and "DepDrill". I landed on uncharted territory, between two lines of kethane - I was pretty pleased to see the kethane pouring in! In the future, I think I'm gonna include a kethane scanner on my landers as well.

Anyways, I took a screenshot of my take on the Hyomoto MFD's, I'll post them later today.

Does anyone know how to add extra MFD's? I feel that in the MK1-2 pod the commander's seat should have an extra larger screen, seeing that he has no windows to look out of. I'm thinking the same size as the largest screens in the Alcor pod.

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Any chance we could see a plugin for RemoteTech? At simplist maybe just some readouts about range and probe relays involved, but could also expand to include control over other (detached) vessels, or view their cameras within a certain range. This idea could potentially incorporate some kind of progressive signal noise with range? I'm just thinking how awesome it'd be if you could control/view through detached probes from your ship for stuff like docking maybe, or control hubs.

I had a look at the DEV probe control room mod, but am kinda unclear as to what it actually does besides using the already existing MFD mods and implementing a WIP cockpit? :/

OOooh, that would be awesome! What if the RemoteTech plugin incorporated its own Navball, Orbital map and cameras? RT has its own version of MechJeb, so those controls would already be implemented.

About signal noise - does anyone know if it's possible to use gif-files as MFD overlay? It would be pretty awesome if we could write a function like "if range > X meters then use gifOverlay1 ; if range > XX meters then use gifOverlay2" and so on. The gifOverlays would then show more and more animated static as the range increases. Actually, gif overlays would be awesome to use as camera overlays altogether.

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Curious I'm trying to trouble shoot a problem and wanted to rule out RPM if possible. At a random time during the game being loaded, usually when I'm in the VAB the screen flickers black then back to "normal". I say normal in quotes because now where I mouse over isn't where the game thinks I am. I can't click on the parts tabs and I can't save builds either, even in the flight mode when I try to click on a goo canister I have to move my mouse quite a bit below it to get a prompt.

Edit: So it was RPM that was causing my problem, I guess it was a conflict between RPM and B9 I found the fix here. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-23-rasterpropmonitor-b9-aerospace-fix/ Just in case anyone else runs into this, sorry if I'm Peat's repeat parrot here.

Edited by Arcamean
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  • 2 weeks later...

Mechjeb plugin also has the same problem with the obt and tgt submenus...and the same solution.

Comment out line 825 (as opposed to 862 for VV.)

It's exactly the same setup as the VV one, but in the 'pluginSmartASS' page instead of the 'pluginVesselView' page.

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I installed KSI like instructed on the first page, but the VesselView page doesn't show anything. I can click on the vessel view button but then the page is just blank, like this. I saw something about commenting a line in the MFD40x20.cfg file, I tried it but it does nothing.

What am I doing wrong ? VV is included into KSI MFDs right ? Or do I need to install VV separately ?

Edited by genchou
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I decided to punish my comp with a whole set of new mods and KSI MFD was one of them. Holy mother... good show! I like how you organized the displays to be contextual, really works out well.

A few things are missing for me though - or I'm too daft to find them, entirely possible - so I thought I'd share the thoughts:

1) The MFD Navball doesn't seem to have an overall velocity setting. Horizontal / Vertical is there but a total readout would be good. I know the other MFD pages has it but I tend to stare on the navball during various operations more than anything else. Maybe the current two-liner displays


* m/s




can be combined in a single four-liner


tot * m/s

horz * m/s

vert * m/s

2) the NFO > RES display could use a information about the delta-V remaining left in the stage.

Furthermore, when I switch to TOTAL inside the resource display, the display seems to have three pages but pages 2 and 3 are blank? If there's unused space, that'd be a good spot IMO for an all-stage delta-V readout.

The Orbit / Landing / Ascend pages also could use a delta-V display for the current stage, but if it's in the Resource display that'd do I think.

As I said above it's entirely possible that the settings are there but I missed them somehow, if so, sorry for the confusion and, any pointers to where the data is would be great ;)

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I installed KSI like instructed on the first page, but the VesselView page doesn't show anything. I can click on the vessel view button but then the page is just blank, like this. I saw something about commenting a line in the MFD40x20.cfg file, I tried it but it does nothing.

What am I doing wrong ? VV is included into KSI MFDs right ? Or do I need to install VV separately ?

VV needs to be installed separately. I have support for popular plugins, but they are not bundled with it.

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I decided to punish my comp with a whole set of new mods and KSI MFD was one of them. Holy mother... good show! I like how you organized the displays to be contextual, really works out well.


There have been other requests for the total velocity, which I may go ahead and add. As for the RES page, the staging helper is SUPPOSED to give that information but due to limitations in KSP it provides ... whatever KSP gives it. MechJeb and Engineer both use separate calculations that happen in the background but I'm fairly certain Mihara hasn't added it to RPM so right now it just isn't possible.

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There have been other requests for the total velocity, which I may go ahead and add. As for the RES page, the staging helper is SUPPOSED to give that information but due to limitations in KSP it provides ... whatever KSP gives it. MechJeb and Engineer both use separate calculations that happen in the background but I'm fairly certain Mihara hasn't added it to RPM so right now it just isn't possible.

Hey thanks for the reply :)

Actually the plain RPM /MechJebRPM has a delta-V display:


I'm of course not sure whether it reads the info from MechJeb (the MechJeb vaccuum dV number matches closely, although its the wrong one, I'm on the launchpad) or does its own calculations.

I could swear that the day I installed RPM and MechJebRPM (but not KSI) I saw a MechJeb-like deltaV breakup by stage on one of the pages of the MFD as well but I can't find it now :-(

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey thanks for the reply :)

Actually the plain RPM /MechJebRPM has a delta-V display:


I'm of course not sure whether it reads the info from MechJeb (the MechJeb vaccuum dV number matches closely, although its the wrong one, I'm on the launchpad) or does its own calculations.

I could swear that the day I installed RPM and MechJebRPM (but not KSI) I saw a MechJeb-like deltaV breakup by stage on one of the pages of the MFD as well but I can't find it now :-(

I would really like to see that info page in my install. How could I add it to one of the NFO subpages?

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I'm off on holiday right now, so I apologize if I miss anything while I'm gone. This is just a courtesy PSA. There are some large changes coming to the MFD based on updates to RPM so I'll be tinkering with this pretty soon and I'll try to revisit any feature requests. I haven't sat down and played with the update yet so I cannot say exactly what will change, but if you've had something you've wanted done and it hasn't been added, now is a good time to remind me!

@blu3wolf - You'd need to create a redirect for it, but plugins are usually 'self-contained' which means, I as the author of KSI, can't pick and choose how you interact with it unfortunately. You have to use the MechJeb button under PLUGN, though you can move THAT if you'd prefer.

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Two quick fixes:

To be able to go back in the VesselViewer menu, delete from file MFD40x20.cfg the line 862 (in the "pluginVesselView" page, find and delete "redirect = escape, menuPlugin" )

To add deltaV stats add this to a page:

Stage ÃŽâ€V {0:SIP_6.1}m/s $&$ DELTAVSTAGE

Total ÃŽâ€V {0:SIP_6.1}m/s $&$ DELTAV

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Two quick fixes:

To be able to go back in the VesselViewer menu, delete from file MFD40x20.cfg the line 862 (in the "pluginVesselView" page, find and delete "redirect = escape, menuPlugin" )

To add deltaV stats add this to a page:

Stage ÃŽâ€V {0:SIP_6.1}m/s $&$ DELTAVSTAGE

Total ÃŽâ€V {0:SIP_6.1}m/s $&$ DELTAV

Could you be more specific about where those delta v entries need to go? Sorry, I'm not too confident when it comes to this kind of thing.

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Two quick fixes:

To add deltaV stats add this to a page:

Stage ÃŽâ€V {0:SIP_6.1}m/s $&$ DELTAVSTAGE

Total ÃŽâ€V {0:SIP_6.1}m/s $&$ DELTAV

Note that as defined in the documentation for RPM:

BEWARE: There is no proper staging simulation in this calculation, so the returned value is very probably nonsense.

These are based on the resource values KSP returns natively. I've played around with these values for a while, but they only seem to be accurate in two situations: for SRB's all in a single stage, and fuel and oxidizer in the final stage. Sometimes if you do not have any fuel lines it also returns proper values as long as your rocket was built from top to bottom. It will not return proper values ever if you rely on asparagus staging. Your mileage may vary.

Edited by Hyomoto
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