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[0.23.5] Kerbal Space Industries [26APR14] [MFD 1.2]


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Whoops! Sorry guys, I didn't realize my thread had become active again! Thanks to everyone who has been working to keep these configurations alive. I've been on a hiatus, Pokemon X & Y, Bayonetta, Hyrule Warriors, Sui Generis, Wasteland 2, Divinity: Original Sin, etc, etc, etc ... but the big reason why I haven't updated my configs is that honestly I just don't really like the new monitors. I'm around, and I still play KSP at least weekly but I skipped the 0.24 release, contracts just didn't shake up the core game enough, so I'm working back to IVA. I should clear up that I'm not providing support for the old configurations because I don't know what it would take to get them working, and they need more than just a band-aid so they are provided as-is. I pretty much have to write new ones from scratch to get things working with the new monitors, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to do that.

It does feel a bit like a kick in the ass though, I didn't mean to let the IVA crowd down! I'll see what I can get done for you guys though, IVA deserves a proper interface.

Don't feel obligated to rush! Good to hear you're still knocking around though and up for updating it, really do love these MFD's, can't wait to get them working again 0.25 :sticktongue:

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Your configs are the best Hyomoto.

Some time ago i tried to modify them to include some data from FAR.


Flight Data

M [#ffffff]{0:#.##}[#f0f0f0] $&$ FARPM_MACHNUMBER
EAS [#ff0000]{0:SIP_5.2}m/s[#f0f0f0] $&$ EASPEED
VS {0:#.##}m/s $&$ VERTSPEED




It is just a rough draft for which i just replaced the takeoff assistant page. Moreover i reduced the display resolution to make the text bigger.

I have to admit that, i'm not willing to develop a proper configurations either. Too much work ... :( But i figured i should post this for anyone who wants to continue development on Hyomotos configs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, maybe I'm just missing a lot of posts that would help me, but could anyone tell me flat if there is just a blatant incompatibility with the newest version of KSP and KSI MFD?

I've been trying for awhile to get KSI working, but everytime I install it (according to the installation instructions) the original JSI MFD's are still being used. I wonder, am I supposed to do more than just install the folder to the gamedata folder? I also tried using the hotfix that was posted a long while ago.

Thanks for the help fellas!

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This works perfectly. Thank you very much, MeCripp!

Yes, I was very careful to maintain the dir. structure as expressed in the original post. Quick question, is this a newer build or something because I did the exact same installation procedure with this as I did with the uploaded mod in the original post?

Again, thanks a lot for this, I've been frustrated with trying to install KSI for quite awhile.

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This works perfectly. Thank you very much, MeCripp!

Yes, I was very careful to maintain the dir. structure as expressed in the original post. Quick question, is this a newer build or something because I did the exact same installation procedure with this as I did with the uploaded mod in the original post?

Again, thanks a lot for this, I've been frustrated with trying to install KSI for quite awhile.

It was updated by a user for at the time JSI .17 which stuff works with .18 here is the post. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66198-0-23-5-Kerbal-Space-Industries-26APR14-MFD-1-2?p=1258586&viewfull=1#post1258586

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Anyone gotten the MFD to work with .90??

Yes. First,

Second, go to GameData\Hyomoto\Patches and replace in all .cfg files




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Yes. First,

Second, go to GameData\Hyomoto\Patches and replace in all .cfg files




There is a patch in JSI that does already





@name = RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD



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  • 1 month later...

I meant to post this here instead of the RPM thread. This is what i did. (my fix)


After installing Hymoto's MFD after installing RPM. apply this and Hyomoto's MFD will work.

and not only that. If you include KerbalScienceFoundation's NavUtils mod you can also access their stuff using my overwrite cfg of theirs. They do some weird things to hyomoto's MFD that I wasn't happy with.

I've also included access to navyfish's RPM in Hymoto's MFD. there are some issues I'm working on. Let me know what you think.

MeCripp, what's going there is RPM modifies all RasterPropMoniterExampleMFD props to RasterPropMonitorbasicMFD prop. Because of that, Hyomoto's referencing a prop that is no longer called exampleMFD. the JSI patch is applied before Hymoto's patch to change all exampleMFDs to hymotoMFDs. What Basilio says is right.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I meant to post this here instead of the RPM thread. This is what i did. (my fix)


After installing Hymoto's MFD after installing RPM. apply this and Hyomoto's MFD will work.

and not only that. If you include KerbalScienceFoundation's NavUtils mod you can also access their stuff using my overwrite cfg of theirs. They do some weird things to hyomoto's MFD that I wasn't happy with.

I've also included access to navyfish's RPM in Hymoto's MFD. there are some issues I'm working on. Let me know what you think.

MeCripp, what's going there is RPM modifies all RasterPropMoniterExampleMFD props to RasterPropMonitorbasicMFD prop. Because of that, Hyomoto's referencing a prop that is no longer called exampleMFD. the JSI patch is applied before Hymoto's patch to change all exampleMFDs to hymotoMFDs. What Basilio says is right.

I've applied this, and currently waiting for the game to start up! What you've done, is essentially just altering the path in which Hyomoto is looking for the JSI files, right? In any case, thanks a lot! I've spent many hours customizing the Hyomoto MFDs into something I can use, and to let go of that would've been a huge loss for me!

Actually, I'll notify Hyomoto and ask him to review my customization - I think it's pretty good, so if he's interested, other people can enjoy it as well!

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I've applied this, and currently waiting for the game to start up! What you've done, is essentially just altering the path in which Hyomoto is looking for the JSI files, right? In any case, thanks a lot! I've spent many hours customizing the Hyomoto MFDs into something I can use, and to let go of that would've been a huge loss for me!

Actually, I'll notify Hyomoto and ask him to review my customization - I think it's pretty good, so if he's interested, other people can enjoy it as well!

Is this telling us how to set up MFD to work with the RPM compatible with 1.0??? Or is it already compatible??

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Is this telling us how to set up MFD to work with the RPM compatible with 1.0??? Or is it already compatible??

I think any mod that is only based on RPM will work if RPM is up to date. At least that's what happened to ProbeControlRoom for example.

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I think any mod that is only based on RPM will work if RPM is up to date. At least that's what happened to ProbeControlRoom for example.

Ill download and try out MFD then, can anyone confirm this though?? Is MFD good to go??

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Ill download and try out MFD then, can anyone confirm this though?? Is MFD good to go??

I'm currently using it and it's working as a MFD (buttons and all) but some readings are incorrect. Not so important readings though, like temperature. I think it is a RPM isue.

It's been a year since Hyomoto haven't updated it and it would be great if he did once and for all (because obvisouly I'm telling it's working but it is only if it is installed as Jacke discribed it here).

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  • 1 month later...

Certain things are working on it, other variables have been depreciated. Once RPM 0.21 drops, the PFD orb will stop working. I'm working on my own custom config for the monitor--based on Hyomoto's but mostly different--but it's going painstakingly slow because I don't have much time to work on it. If anyone is interested in seeing this come into the 1.0 age/seeing what I'm working on, I'll upload the repo instead of keeping it local to my computer.

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  • 2 months later...

Nothing since this last year:

Whoops! Sorry guys, I didn't realize my thread had become active again! Thanks to everyone who has been working to keep these configurations alive. I've been on a hiatus, Pokemon X & Y, Bayonetta, Hyrule Warriors, Sui Generis, Wasteland 2, Divinity: Original Sin, etc, etc, etc ... but the big reason why I haven't updated my configs is that honestly I just don't really like the new monitors. I'm around, and I still play KSP at least weekly but I skipped the 0.24 release, contracts just didn't shake up the core game enough, so I'm working back to IVA. I should clear up that I'm not providing support for the old configurations because I don't know what it would take to get them working, and they need more than just a band-aid so they are provided as-is. I pretty much have to write new ones from scratch to get things working with the new monitors, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to do that.

It does feel a bit like a kick in the ass though, I didn't mean to let the IVA crowd down! I'll see what I can get done for you guys though, IVA deserves a proper interface.

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