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Economic/science Ideas for 0.24: Extraterrestial samples

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After a boring evening and with the thought that money will be a new addition to 0.24, I had several weird ideas that might be of interest to anyone with enough time to read them.

The ideas should be to enhance current sample recoverage to a more prospecting level. I'm not refering to the fact of mining kethane or materials for construction or ISRU but to bring them back to earth as material of study or high price market luxury.

This is the idea I had of working it out:

Sample could have the following atributes:

- Weight

- Volume

- Material state: Rock (unaltered samples), dust (recovered from surface or preprocessed from rocks for better compactation), liquid & gas(atmospheric scoop or rock->dust byproduct).

- Planet from where it comes

- Biome to it is related.

Addition to this, some machinery could be added to obtain such samples but also to change or improve their profit by using energy ( a macerator to turn rocks to dust (less volume and a bit less of profit), a compressor for storing more gas, a surface drill which depending on the size and energy can reach deeper layers,...).

The ammount of samples you plan on recovering can be hindered by your storage space but also because your engines are not powerful enough to lift again the vehicle (which I think is a nice handicap).

Once recovered on earth, this samples could be stored on the center and later study them (escalating/limiting the science yield up to a number of kg) or sell them off (with the drop in price or even with market saturation until you sell samples from another planets/moons).

With this idea, I could be possible to encourage plane utilisation by placing deposits on earth of fallen meteorites or other elements of interest.

Lastly, one last addition to avoid exploits over the last one is to add a budget cost of recovering vessels on earth surface depending on the distance to the center and the biome in which you are placed (desert/artic/sea zones are difficult places to find people). These could even encourage plane/vehicular rescue missions xd.

After tossing that out of my head, I will be glad to any opinions :D

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