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A game built by the community?

Guest GroundHOG-2010

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Why don\'t we, the community make a game? We have plenty of Modelers, Texturers and Programmers (hopefully) and there have been many threads on people making games by themselves.

This would also help the people creating mods for now and in the future, by giving them experiences in modeling and programming, the latter that has been said to be implemented into this game at some point.

So what I propose is a game thought of, designed and built by the community on the Unity3d game engine. The game would be released for free?

(Yes I know there is very little up there. I would rather have the people making the game (including me) to decide on the theme. Please comment on the idea?)

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

I just started making a little project in unity tonight:


You are a space probe, gathering information about a strange, ultra-tiny dimension.


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Guest GroundHOG-2010

When I get it to a working state, I\'m going to upload the whole project - it should be helpful for this community project of yours.

If anyone needs any models or textures, I\'ll be happy to help.

I was just starting a flight sim on unity when I wounder about this idea.

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The game to be free?!?!? ( we need a shakes head emotion )

I like you idea but it kind of already being made by the community all we really need is parts right now, and when more modding support comes out we get those mods, but who will be in charge of putting them into the game and if they don\'t those people wasted all that time on a part or ship or whatever and be sad :(.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

The game to be free?!?!? ( we need a shakes head emotion )

I like you idea but it kind of already being made by the community all we really need is parts right now, and when more modding support comes out we get those mods, but who will be in charge of putting them into the game and if they don\'t those people wasted all that time on a part or ship or whatever and be sad :(.

1. Why not free? It would be community built, so the community should be able to get the game for free.

2. Theres a problem that I didn\'t think of.

Thanks for responding. As I have said (I hope) that it is an idea.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

I\'m programming now for almost 3 months. I don\'t think this is enough to start making a huge game :(

Continue programming. It pays to do the small things first. I have been coding for 2 years now and haven\'t finished anything.

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I\'d be willing to help in between college stuff. However, the first thing I\'m going to end up doing is working on making this modular, so that people can swap out physics engines or even add in completely new types of parts.

I had a resume, but my PC caught fire. For now, take this as my resume.


Also, I have concerns about using Unity or any other commercially-licensed system, since they aren\'t very moddable (Unity doesn\'t allow reverse-engineering and assets are stored in encrypted containers), and many require commercial licenses if you are going to distribute (UDK and I think Source). On the other hand, making a completely new game engine sucks.

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I want to code but i don\'t think i\'m ready or have the patients to learn yet.

I tried to model also and make a model for ksp, trying to follow bens tutorial but its just hard for me.

What kind of coding do you do that you need patients for test subjects? This I want to learn! (couldn\'t resist :P)

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

I\'d be willing to help in between college stuff. However, the first thing I\'m going to end up doing is working on making this modular, so that people can swap out physics engines or even add in completely new types of parts.

I had a resume, but my PC caught fire. For now, take this as my resume.


Also, I have concerns about using Unity or any other commercially-licensed system, since they aren\'t very moddable (Unity doesn\'t allow reverse-engineering and assets are stored in encrypted containers), and many require commercial licenses if you are going to distribute (UDK and I think Source). On the other hand, making a completely new game engine sucks.

I also have problems with the commercial systems for the same reasons as above, but I think its the lesser of two evils, as a small group of people couldn\'t be able to build a game engine nearly as good as the unreal engine or unity. And its bloody annoying trying to build a engine from scratch, as I tryed the whole of last year trying to make a 2d top down engine (3/4 was earthquakes and school though).

What kind of coding do you do that you need patients for test subjects? This I want to learn! (couldn\'t resist :P)

Unity uses C#, Boo and javascript.

Oh man. I can\'t code in Unity. I\'m still gonna make something though... *mysterious*

Not really. I know a group of people who build games in unity (then don\'t finish them). One of them models and does textures, anouther codes and the last one puts it all in the game!

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Wow! Almost 24 hours and no one has commented Nova\'s 'Unity Engine' screenshot says 'Network (No players connected)' and begged for Multi-player in KSP through this thread. Just amazing...

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Wow! Almost 24 hours and no one has commented Nova\'s 'Unity Engine' screenshot says 'Network (No players connected)' and begged for Multi-player in KSP through this thread. Just amazing...

That\'s always there. Unity has multiplayer support, it\'s just a matter of whether KSP can be made to work with multiplayer.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

That\'s always there. Unity has multiplayer support, it\'s just a matter of whether KSP can be made to work with multiplayer.

This is what I have been saying all along.

You can try out the WIP probe game here


(Thanks to HarvesteR, C7 and Iskierka for helping me with the math behind the gravity, arguably the most important part of it)

This is fun. I love bouncing off the earth like planet. Can\'t wait to see whats next.

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(3/4 was earthquakes and school though)
Where you from man?

C# is pretty easy, Visual Studio pretty much writes it for ya :D (ok so it doesn\'t, but any C# developer that has used something like Eclipse knows what I mean).

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Where you from man?

C# is pretty easy, Visual Studio pretty much writes it for ya :D (ok so it doesn\'t, but any C# developer that has used something like Eclipse knows what I mean).

Christchurch, 9987 quakes and still going strong, there was also a snowstorm, and school sucks up time when you have exams.

Also, I am have some trouble with lift. I can calculate the stall speed but what now. Do I make that a 0 % point for the lift, I am just confused with what I am doing?

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Continue programming. It pays to do the small things first. I have been coding for 2 years now and haven\'t finished anything.

I\'m patient. I\'m almost 14 and I\'m proud that I\'ve got already a working program with ~750 lines of code :) . Lol KSP has got over 50k lines of code ???

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Christchurch, 9987 quakes and still going strong, there was also a snowstorm, and school sucks up time when you have exams.

Also, I am have some trouble with lift. I can calculate the stall speed but what now. Do I make that a 0 % point for the lift, I am just confused with what I am doing?

Haha nice man, KGG is based here in Earthquake Zone C. Feel that nice little rumble about half n hour ago...? That rolled for a bit longer that we\'ve had recently!

I guess once you stall you need to determine which direction you tumble. Maybe use the CoG for that? Is there a physics engine inside the framework you\'re using?

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Haha nice man, KGG is based here in Earthquake Zone C. Feel that nice little rumble about half n hour ago...? That rolled for a bit longer that we\'ve had recently!

I guess once you stall you need to determine which direction you tumble. Maybe use the CoG for that? Is there a physics engine inside the framework you\'re using?

My school was in the halenstiens building and the Southern Star House building, 50m from the Hotel Grand Chanceller. Mid 4 was what I was thinking. Still not big enough to get me out of my chair!!!!

There is a physics engine within the engine I am using which will determen which way I tumble. The main problem is how do I tell my plane to stall at that stall speed. I could set an if statement saying if I get to this speed, drop like a stone, but that would mean implementing anouther system for spins and so on.

I think that lift is something I don\'t want to try 5000 time doing to get a less the satafactory end product.

What this is for : I am building a game like Kerbal space program except with planes, as both a thanks to the developers of KSP, and to give me some experiences on the Unity engine. unlike KSP, the cockpit, engines, fuel tanks have to go within the fuselarge parts, not being ones.

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