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How do you want to see KSP develop.

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This is a general thread to see what people want to be introduced to KSP during its development. Also what order do you want to see these features introduced or even do you only consider them important post release?

I'm curious to see everyone's differing opinions are on how the game should progress in the future?

This is how I'd like to see things. :)

0.24-25: Career mode continued with the budgets and contracts system. Simply because that is what is being worked on now. Also see the biomes finished. Continue with the science development as well.

0.25-0.30: Improved aerodynamics, spaceplane overhaul, fairings and cargo bays and finally a mild form of re-entry heat.

0.30-0.35: Space station and probe overhauls. Simply some more specialised parts and more reason to use satellites and stations. Optimisation. Mild life support.

0.35-0.40: More things to do on a planets surface. Mainly focusing on EVA activities though some more tools for rovers.

0.40-0.45: 3.75m parts. Just to make more realistic and larger rockets. Optimisation

0.45-0.50: Additions to the planets and hopefully movable asteroids and comets. I'd really like to see asteroid capture!

0.50-0.55: Guess its got to come somewhere... Multiplayer.

0.55-0.60: 5m parts so making a Saturn V or SLS system will no longer be a chore of sticking many many smaller tanks together.

Post Release / Optional

Resources: I'd like to see this appear in a form somewhat like the original resources tree.

Other planetary systems

Base update

Future parts pack

Edited by Comrade Jenkens
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This'll be rich...

Anyway, I'd like to see the following, in no particular order (because it doesn't matter):

- Money, Reputation, Science triad, already announced.

- Contracts that focus more on the player's activity rather than some arbitrary story or progression (I want to be the star of the show).

- Refined/more parts.

- Life support and atmospheric damage effects.

- Additional planets to round out the system.

- Two or three more solar systems to explore.

- UT changed to use an actual double instead of this 63 year integer casting they're using.

- More things to do on planet.

- A non-grindy resource system that puts resources in intelligent places and doesn't require waiting of any sort.

Other than that, I'm perfectly happy waiting to see what the devs come up with.

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