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[Hardware, Plugin] Arduino based physical display + serial port io+ tutorial (24-11-19)


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How fast does the plugin write to the serial / USB port? Meaning, how often do I have to read from the port so I don't display stale data on the arduino side?

Still knowing too little about the possible performance of my Mega2560 :blush:

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  MrOnak said:
<img>All the blue rectangles are 7-segment displays or bar displays. Their spacing is not 100% spot on yet and I don't like the empty space next to the DSKY info lights. The latter is probably solved in case I need 5 more info lights for SAS, RCS, ... ;)


You have totally out-done yourself; that is amazing! :D

I can't wait to see it when it's ready! :D

Do you have a thread for your panel as well? If not, you should make one :)

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  AmeliaEatyaheart said:

You have totally out-done yourself; that is amazing! :D

I can't wait to see it when it's ready! :D

Do you have a thread for your panel as well? If not, you should make one :)

Not yet, after this weekend I might make one. Problem is that I have so very little time to actually work on the damn thing (I'm home only on weekends) that progress is slooooooooow

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  hakan said:
How fast does the plugin write to the serial / USB port? Meaning, how often do I have to read from the port so I don't display stale data on the arduino side?

Still knowing too little about the possible performance of my Mega2560 :blush:

It's adjustable in the config file, see the first post.

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Not so weekly "Weekly" update


Hopefully fixed a bug with axes controls when changing vessels (thanks AmeliaEatyaheart).

If you use the axes controls from the plugin please test and make sure things are working.



Arduino Code:

No change needed

Edited by zitronen
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  zitronen said:
Not so weekly "Weekly" update

Hi @zitronen,

given that you already upload the packaged binaries of your plugin to sites.google.com, could you add it to kerbalstuff? Or put the releases on github? This would make automated packaging for the CKAN effort tremendously easier, without putting additional efforts on your shoulders (besides uploading to kerbalstuff or github, that is :cool: )

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  stibbons said:
Hey hakan, have you updated the CKAN entry? KSPSerialIO is the one and only remaining mod in my loadout that's still installed manually, so I could test the new version. :-)

I sent a pull request for the 15.4 version ( https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta/pull/89 ), as soon as that is merged, you will be update your plugin via ckan.

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  hakan said:
Hi @zitronen,

given that you already upload the packaged binaries of your plugin to sites.google.com, could you add it to kerbalstuff? Or put the releases on github? This would make automated packaging for the CKAN effort tremendously easier, without putting additional efforts on your shoulders (besides uploading to kerbalstuff or github, that is :cool: )


Not quite sure how CKAN works, should I put it on kerbalstuff or git?


OK it's on kerbalstuff: KSP Serial IO

Didn't realize it uses the name as the link, hopefully the spaces in the url won't be a problem...

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Cool, thank you.

Basically, CKAN works by having descriptions of where to download what, where to install it and so on. There are descriptions for version x, y and z for a mod (the .ckan files) and in addition, the .netkan meta files.

If a mod is on kerbalstuff or github, we write a tiny netkan file, and our robots go and pick up any new releases you might make. No manual work required after the initial setup.

If it is on google drive or dropbox or somewhere else (including curse), a human has to go and create a more detailed description file for each and every version you create.

Soooooooo, now I'll stop talking and go write a .netkan file for KSPSerialIO, instead of the two .ckan files I already did for the previous versions :D

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I was happy to see this on CKAN when I went to configure/update my KSP. I have an Arduino gathering dust, and I can probably get over the inertia to build a KSP control center (rather than building a whole CNC rig so I can run grbl).

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  hakan said:
One issue: your uploaded zip file seems to be broken, it contains only the config.xml. All PluginData and dll files are missing. Could you please re-upload the archive?

And as for the licence, I believe "CC-BY" already includes Attribution, but it's nice to see that it's "appreciated" and not requested :D

Oh oops :confused: the zip should be correct now?

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Nobody else commented here, so I will; the zip is fine. I moved from manually installed to the CKAN release as soon as it was up. :-) Thanks for the extra effort, zitronen and hakan.

Now to think about how to make ckan support configuration files, so my changes don't get overwritten during an upgrade.

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  stibbons said:
Now to think about how to make ckan support configuration files, so my changes don't get overwritten during an upgrade.

Could you open up an issue to this effect at the CKAN project please? URL is https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues. So I don't forget looking into this when I get around to do some more CKAN work at the weekend...

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OK guys I've had a good think about sending SOI names. I've decided to just send the name as a 8 byte array for the next update because:

1. Even the longest name in KSP is only 6 characters

2. It's easier to use then some convoluted index thing

3. I don't need to test complex code for every single planet!

4. What's 8 bytes between friends? :sticktongue:

If anyone has any objections, let me know now!

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  zitronen said:
1. Even the longest name in KSP is only 6 characters

Does this still hold true with things like Real Solar System? (checks wiki) You are lucky, even Mercury and Neptune are only 7 characters :sticktongue:

  zitronen said:
2. It's easier to use then some convoluted index thing

This, on the other hand, is true...

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  zitronen said:
OK guys I've had a good think about sending SOI names. I've decided to just send the name as a 8 byte array for the next update because:

1. Even the longest name in KSP is only 6 characters

2. It's easier to use then some convoluted index thing

3. I don't need to test complex code for every single planet!

4. What's 8 bytes between friends? :sticktongue:

If anyone has any objections, let me know now!

I'd prefer a 8-bit index to be honest... much(!) shorter, still has 256 possibilities and quite frankly I've run into messy issues with Strings over serial quite often.

Use the 7 byte you'd save on SOI to transmit vehicle mass and combined engine ISP... that'd greatly help with attitude and guidance computers ;)

By the way thanks for the continuous update interval change on time warp!

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  MrOnak said:
I'd prefer a 8-bit index to be honest... much(!) shorter, still has 256 possibilities and quite frankly I've run into messy issues with Strings over serial quite often.

Use the 7 byte you'd save on SOI to transmit vehicle mass and combined engine ISP... that'd greatly help with attitude and guidance computers ;)

By the way thanks for the continuous update interval change on time warp!

That will save a couple of bytes in the data stream (we still have like 80 left), but you will need lots more to store the look up table on your micro..

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