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[0.23]Down Under Aerospace & Party Supplies Continued 0.52 Balancing & size reduction

Albert VDS

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There hasn't been a lot of work done on the Ausplane, mainly because I'm too busy with doing other stuff.

I'm looking for someone who has experience with configuring plane parts who wants to overhaul/recreate the cfg files.

Send me a PM if you want to help out.

The ausplane needs more than config edits, I can try and export it into unity so it works properly ingame

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Why not replicate the Mei Long lander first before taking on Ausplane?

I used the Mei Long and Luna rocket to make my first mun landing back in 0.12. I did it by ascending straight up, because I couldn't make orbit.

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Oh WOW this takes me back. I think I used a command pod from this mod as the control tower for my first space station, back before docking was even in game and when the BACE pack was still around. Nice to see this revived!

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