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Why does this happen o.O

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For starters, B9 has multiple plugins, some of which were updated for .23 but the updated version isn't in the B9 download. Those plugins might be screwing you over. Mechjeb is also plugin powered. I assume these are KW SRBs so try testing them alone without MJ and B9. If it still does it, I'd file a bug in the KW thread, otherwise, it's a mod interaction.

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Are you sure you're not ejecting the boosters too soon, and having them smash into the lower stage, causing it to completely vaporize? :P

That would be my assumption as well.

I can't really check the craft file now, but if you don't have any, try putting some ullage motors (from KW) or sepratrons on the SRBS. A pair at the top and bottom of each booster, obviously facing away from the rocket, should be enough to eject them clear of the rocket and avoid any collisions. Before I started this practice, I would often get unlucky and have my boosters hit my engine.

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The SRB nosecones for KW have Sepratron type motors in them, you can tell where they will fire based on the small hard to see circles on the side of the nosecone. Be sure these are pointing towards your rocket and that the engine of your booster is about level with the engine of your main stage. You can Also hit F3 to check your flight log and see if anything has collided into anything else resulting in the rapid unplanned disassembly

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Well, I've found the cause of this.. The SRBs run out of fuel during the gravity turn, and there's one SRB that happens to be on the topside of the rocket when it gets jettisoned. So it just goes up and comes back down and explodes on the rocket, destroying the bottom stage. I suppose I could try to circumvent this with some clever rotating during the gravity turn... back to testing.

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