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More extensive (and reviewable) mission logs

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I like the mission log that appears when you press F3 and after a crash. But I'd like to see more features and enable it to appear after a successful landing as well. Even better would be something like the science center, where you can review your mission achievements. All the interesting statistics that appear in real mission reports, like crew names, number of orbits, number and length of EVAs, orbital parameters, launch and landing sites, and dockings. See the Wikipedia article on any individual spaceflight for examples. This would be particularly handy in career mode, especially if there's an experience feature for kerbonauts.

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I really like this idea - and furthermore to me it's very core to the experience to be able to look at the history of my space program.

The science area is along the right lines; I'd love to be able to see a history of my launches, their results, etc. Also being able to see the accomplishments, and anti-accomplishments of my many Kerbals. This will help to draw a connection to the little guys, if I can look back on the life of Jeremiah Kerban, the first Kerbal to enter space before his untimely death flying an early prototype of the Gadgetron IV due to a catastrophic failure resulting from too many rockets, that would be great.

In general, being able to build a history of any particular space program so we can look back for informational and nostalgic reasons. I have found myself jotting down all these details because I love the story this game creates. However, it would be much better if the game would log events and information available so I don't have to do so.

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One of the major problems I have with the mission log as it is now is that it focuses on the physical ship. It only notes liftoff, landing, staging and damage. After a long mission, there is nothing to indicate what happened on the mission. Days on end could have been spent orbiting Kerbin or heading to the Mun or Minmus, and nothing is said yea or nay. The minimum I'd like to see would be changes in orbital status, for example the exact time that a ship entered and left a planet's sphere of influence.

I wouldn't be surprised if this will be implemented at some point, though.

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