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Post your mega structures here(bases, stations,etc)


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Not sure if it counts as "mega", but it's the biggest thing I've built off-world, as It's where I test the "dockability" of each part. It's composed by 6 of my standarized land base modules, a couple of rovers and a aux comm relay. It had one small shuttle/rover also docked originally, but it's too laggy to get it docked again xD


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  Captain Sierra said:
Spartwo, what purpose (roleplay or otherwise) does the giant dish on one end serve?

And finally, some genuinely mega stuff! Nice station/ship/monstrosity with looks like 20 somethin nuclears there Levelord.

The dish is a heatshield,fuel storage(around 600 tons of it) and houses the 9 nukes which propel it.

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A piece of the behemoth that (unfortunately) didn't went completion:


Based on the previous screenies, I can conclude that space isn't the limit in this game - your RAM is the limit.

(inb4 "Hey! My computer can allow me to do this! How about yours!?" posts)

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  Captain Sierra said:
I wouldn't say RAM is the limit, your processor power is the limit. That's where the physics lag comes from.

I have an i3. Would that let me build something as massive as you guys building without melting my PC?

and umm there's no such thing as "computer specs elitism" here based on the structures that one can build, right?

Edited by Flixxbeatz
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  Flixxbeatz said:
I have an i3. Would that let me build something as massive as you guys building without melting my PC?

and umm there's no such thing as "computer specs elitism" here based on the structures that one can build, right?

UbioZur's welding plugin. That space gantry would be unusable without it because the complete station would total 700 parts. The lag would already be single digit FPS. Now built a Jool-bound ship in there and add that. i7 52QM @ 2.2GHz That gets me about 550 parts before I go under 30FPS and the lag becomes noticable. I have not tested that limit on the new 'optimized' .23

Also, you get better FPS above 160km, when Kerbin's oceans unload. ALWAYS build your stuff above 160km for decent framerates (and easier transfers). Space dock of mine is at 850 for easier access from Mun.

And I wouldn't say that if I were you. There can be some real elitists here for anything, mods, achievements, everything. I have no doubt there will be SOMONE.

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an i3 will work well, but the real thing here is that the physics engine is single threaded, so a high clock speed will help you more. KSP itself is a multithreaded game, but the physics engine is single threaded, so that's why high part counts destroy huge gaming rigs, because it can't use more than one core to figure out the physics on all of those parts at once.

and i3 doesn't have turbo boost, which the i5 and i7 do, which allows them to jump core speeds when single threaded stuff is detected.

still, it should run well, just not quite as well as the higher end chips.

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Actually, after seeing this images, now I'm sure. My base is far from huge xD And you are great builders, I'm impressed by this flying monsters.

I got an i7 4820K with 16GB of RAM... it's too young to live overclocked only for a few fps here xD So my limit is the single threading of physics, my nice amount of plugins and my condensed too high part count for the size it has, overengineering kills fps xD

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  • 1 year later...
  Jetenginestar said:
Prototype Bridge, I hopefully 1.6km of these won't destroy my PC...




This is normally where I'd shamelessly plug the welding plugin to cut down your part count, but unfortunately it doesnt work in 1.0, so I got nothing for ya.

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And it goes without saying.... It has rockets too!


I wish KSP's high part count performance was increased... Then my KSP skyscraper program could quite literally take off.

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