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Custom hardware control/switch panel - simpit WIP


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I started work on the wiring and programming today. So far only 2 switches and 2 lights are wired up but it's a start!

I have used dual colour leds that can display either red or green (or yellow by combining the two), this is because I want a little more functionality from my lights.

In both of the two images below the SAS and RCS are both turned on, however in the second image the craft has run out of electricity and monopropellant. The RCS light has turned red to show that although the RCS is on, it's no longer working due to lack of fuel. The SAS light is red as it is also not working as it has neither fuel for rcs or electricity for reaction wheels.

I will add the reaction wheel switch and light next, and also program the panel to display a yellow light in some situations (nearly out of RCS, low battery etc).



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all, I'm new here.

I'm pretty handy with solidworks, if you need some help with modeling I'm willing to help.

Also, I've been thinking about designing 3 axis translation and rotation controls (maybe partially 3d printed) that use cheap tactile buttons. Anyone handy with an arduino willing to give me some help?

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I have a few questions for you mulbin as I am thinking about takeing upon a similar project:

1. What microcontroler are you useing(if any)?

2. What do you use to to cut the aluminum?

3. What are the mods that you have installed on KSP to make it compatible with your microcontroler?

4. Are you soldering your wires or are you doing something else?

5. What are are you useing to make those ultra-pretty labels?

6. Lastly, any tips you could give to someone wanting to take upon a similar project?

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  • 2 months later...
  Mulbin said:

I have used dual colour leds that can display either red or green (or yellow by combining the two), this is because I want a little more functionality from my lights.

In both of the two images below the SAS and RCS are both turned on, however in the second image the craft has run out of electricity and monopropellant. The RCS light has turned red to show that although the RCS is on, it's no longer working due to lack of fuel. The SAS light is red as it is also not working as it has neither fuel for rcs or electricity for reaction wheels.

I will add the reaction wheel switch and light next, and also program the panel to display a yellow light in some situations (nearly out of RCS, low battery etc).

I'm just in the process of starting my own simpit controls -- and yours was a big inspiration :) Thank you.

I love the idea of using dual-LEDs - I think I may have to borrow that idea (and of course credit you once I post progress of it) :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update - this isn't dead!... our house is now on the market and we are looking at new homes with garages large enough for me to have a workshop, in which I will build the cockpit enclosure :) My wife is happy as long as it isn't in the house ;)

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  Mulbin said:
Just a quick update - this isn't dead!... our house is now on the market and we are looking at new homes with garages large enough for me to have a workshop, in which I will build the cockpit enclosure :) My wife is happy as long as it isn't in the house ;)

Now that is what I call a heartwarming tale!

Had I discovered KSP before I constructed my workshop, things would have turned out rather differently ;)

Edited by T.A.P.O.R.
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  Mulbin said:
Just a quick update - this isn't dead!... our house is now on the market and we are looking at new homes with garages large enough for me to have a workshop, in which I will build the cockpit enclosure :) My wife is happy as long as it isn't in the house ;)

This would be a fun 'community project' to work on xD

I have plans of doing similar -- only I don't have the space to do such an ambitious project just yet.

It'd be cool to partner with some kind of science museum / organisation to incorporate it into some kind of display there.

Of course, then you'd have to really build the thing to be hardy against violent patrons (read: kids) :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

But what do you do with the switches for example Engine 1 and 2 on. Is that something for custom groups?

Im now invented in work with my lcd. But my goal is the same dashboard like you adding some 7 segment Displays.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Mulbin said:
Update on panels

Art file is still coming along nicely (I've worked out how to do my navball now, and found a nice bezel for it)

Are you doing a virtual navball using an LCD, or did you acquire a real FDAI? If the real deal, could you kindly share the technical aspects involving how you are intending to drive it? I know the real ones use a 115 volt 400 Hz signal, driven through synchro control transformers (rotated by the gyro assembly). Just curious, if that's what you're doing, what type of inverter/amplifier setup you're using to drive the synchro outputs. There are 9 synchro lines and the base inverter source going into these things. I'd just like to compare notes, as my FDAI has not yet arrived (ARU-11A, from an Israeli F-4 Phantom simulator)... Mil spec site says 3 axis, specifically "Three axes attitude indicator used to provide continuous pitch, roll and azimuth information". Funny, I used to BUILD synchros for both the US DoD and some weather tracking equipment suppliers at my old job! IF ONLY I STILL HAD SOME SYNCHROS!!!


Elsewhere, I found the pinouts: "The heading, pitch and roll can be moved using synchros. Pin connections are: A=Ground, B=115 V- 400 Hz, F=Heading-x, G=Heading-y, H=Heading-z, J=Glide-slope-flag+, K=Glide-slope-flag-, P=rate-gyroscope-power-warning-flag+, R= rate-gyroscope-power-warning-flag-, S=glideslope-pointer+ , T=glideslope-pointer-, U=vert-ptr-flag+, V=vert-ptr-flag-, W=horiz-ptr-, X=horiz-ptr+, Y=vert-ptr-, Z=vert-prt+, a=pitch-x, b=pitch-y, c=pitch-z, d=roll-x, e=roll-y, f=roll-z, g=lighting (5 V), h=lighting (GND), C,D,E,L,M,N and j not used.

You could do this two ways... You could use an arduino with 10 analog outputs (smoothed PWM) and processing to simulate the reference and the 9 phase shifted 400 Hz sine waves needed, and feed those into an amplifier that can drive the 115 volt outputs at that frequency...

The other way is to buy three synchros, and pair them to some stepper or continuous rotation servo motors, and drive the motors using a more traditional motor control program. Then all you need is a single 115 volt, 400 Hz inverter to supply the FDAI and synchro control transformers.

Or you're doing an LCD. :P

Here's mine! Sorry, stock photo, as I said... Still in transit. :cool:


Edited by richfiles
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Good afternoon Mulbin,

I have to say that I love your flight box...and because it's being modeled after the Apollo missions, it has caused me to fall head over heels with your project.  I do have a question for you, and I was wondering if you tell me how you got your covered abort and stage switches to work with the Arduino code?  I can't figure out the code to make it so that the cover switch is functional and when locked the button wont work.  I hope that made sense.

Thanks in advance!


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If I recall correctly, the switches Mulbin use are a type that switches temporarily on when pushed upwards and falls back to off, like a push button. The plugin expects stage and abort to be controlled by some form of push button, but it should not be a problem if you remember to switch off yourself. Try to give a more detailed explanation in zitronens thread, preferably including a code snippet and a layout of your wiring.

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