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[AAR] BaseCamp- A Journey to Space -- WARNING: IMAGE HEAVY


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Great post Mekan1k. Interesting feel to the foundry. I wonder what the background to that universe is.

For some reason when B9K1 & 2 started playing chess I was expecting one of them to say 'horsey to King three' *grins*

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Sorry to say, but Gromslaw is more russian/polish/czech/slovakian name. Just sayin'.

Anyways. it's another good chapter. I really like the foundries, i think they are going to be my favourite robot nation i seen :D

And also, i looked in SasquatchM mods. They are just... awesome and so... clever!

Edited by cziken20
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I was thinking it over. We know that Jeb and co went back in time, followed by the SWARM. We know that the founders have knowledge about SWARM, since they just gave info on that, and their planed disassembly of SWARM, which means the founders were affected by SWARM and when they found out that SWARM went back in time to go after Jeb and co, they came after them in a continuation of their war with SWARM.

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Great post Mekan1k. Interesting feel to the foundry. I wonder what the background to that universe is.

The next chapter will cover that- needless to say, the scientists may become a little confused.

For some reason when B9K1 & 2 started playing chess I was expecting one of them to say 'horsey to King three' *grins*

I wanted to use that, but I didn't...

2 AIs in one ship? Hah. Dock Jeb's ship up, and 3 or 4-way games?

I feel like I should hunt down the foundry parts, those are cool

They are- the cage is from porkjet, the wings are from sasquatchm, and the lights and rcs are from lackluster labs.

Sorry to say, but Gromslaw is more russian/polish/czech/slovakian name. Just sayin'.

Anyways. it's another good chapter. I really like the foundries, i think they are going to be my favourite robot nation i seen :D

And also, i looked in SasquatchM mods. They are just... awesome and so... clever!

The name was requested. Besides- he has that generic foreign accent.

Great chapter, and who else read the foundry in a robotic voice?
I read it in the generic "pleasant female AI voice", personally.

I was going for that- out of curiosity, how does the SWARM 'sound' when you read its lines?

EDIT: I was trying to go for the sound of the Reapers...

I was thinking it over. We know that Jeb and co went back in time, followed by the SWARM. We know that the founders have knowledge about SWARM, since they just gave info on that, and their planed disassembly of SWARM, which means the founders were affected by SWARM and when they found out that SWARM went back in time to go after Jeb and co, they came after them in a continuation of their war with SWARM.
So that means everybody goes back in time! Woo time-party!

Not quite..... But close.

With multiple timelines, what makes you think the SWARM developed only along one of them?

Oh, and spoiler: Kerbals are extinct in the Foundry's universe.

Edited by Mekan1k
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Well for the sound of SWARM i used the Microsoft Sam's voice. Lol. Kerbals are extinct in their universe? Ohh i want to know what killed them! Was it idea of bomarding volcanoes with nukes? Ah and i don't know why, but when i read your stories i always listen to some russian wartime songs, like Katyusha.

Edited by cziken20
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The issue of them sounding reaper-y is simply this;

They would have to (a)Have a foundry that looked like a Kerbal

and (b)Have to have massive flagships that looked like other alien races

and, last but not least, ©Need to assume direct control over small(In relative size comparisons.) automated drones that they send to scout a planet's surface.

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Alright, I'm just going to say this now.

I'm having issues with KSP, mainly with mods not loading(properly) and save files becoming corrupted. I can build with mechjeb and whatnot, but the parts have no data values to them. Useless, in all respects. I'm not going to be able to contribute jack**** to anything any time soon, so yea. Now I'm not asking anyone here for help, but if any of you have any idea at what is going on, it would be nice to know.

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Actually, since they started out as 'helper bots' I've always thought of SWARM voices as kind of nasally, synthed normal voices. Kind of like 'Talkie Toaster' and other small talking gadgets on Red Dwarf... also possibly with a north country accent, but that's just me :)

Oh, and the time lines thing doesn't have to be time travel related. There could be infinite numbers of timelines... unless in this universe the laws of physics dictates that time lines in general collapse into any that are significantly similar to them... What is technically known as the CFUFTP law. You know, the 'Conveniently Few Universes For The Plotline' Law :D

Edited by Patupi
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I actually always believed that thre are really a lot of universes, and each is copied into another dimension where almost the same races, peoples, persons etc. exist but their events in life are changed. Also every dimension is linked witha very stron enrgy beam, which makes a single place in every universe to be signifcantly colder than any other.Every universe is also linked with each other, but with much smaller energy beam. Every solar systems is also linked but with energy beam so small it would take 1235089723490856732495862349857398573294856467 years to change the power to 1 joule. I also always believed that every universe dies one day, and then when completely dead, with no even black holes, a small amount of energy is unleashed, it grows stronger and leads to another Big Bang.

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Chapter 4- And this is why we spend so long in the simulator...

Johngas: MC, I have received the maneuvering details.

MC: You are clear for nuclear burn, Lawsuit.

Johngas: Please name the next shuttle something different.

MC: Affirmative, Lawsuit.


B9k: Burn program ready.

Johngas: Good. Burning in 3. 2. 1.



Johngas: First stop- the Gravioli Lab.

Gregtrey: Right- Comand- are you ready? We will be replacing Bill and Bob on the station.

Comand: I have been ready since we reached orbit.

Johngas: can someone check the food canister in the back?

Sheptop: On it.


Some time later


Johngas: Everyone buckle in- we will be matching velocities with the Lab shortly.

Sheptop: The food was delicious.

Comand: We need that food!

Sheptop: I only tested it!

Johngas: Burning for rendezvous.


Johngas: Approaching...



Johngas: Lab- can you read me?

GL: Yes, Nuclear Lawsuit, we can hear you just fine.

Johngas: Permission to dock?

GL: Granted.






*Sound of airlock cycling*

Kirlak: Gentlekerbals! Welcome to the Gravioli Lab!

Johngas: Director- we can only stay a few minutes. We need to-

Kirlak: I know. Bill and Bob are emptying their bunks now.

Johngas: Everyone else- let's get some of that food squared away- we want to only carry as much as we must to Minnimus.


After a few minutes


Johngas: Undocking in 3. 2. 1.




Bill: What's this button do?


Johngas: DON'T TOUCH THAT!!!

Bill: What does it do?

Johngas: It opens all the doors.

Bill: And in space that is a VERY bad thing. I gotcha.


Johngas: Course Calculated. Opened safe distance for burn- burning for orbit inclination change.



Johngas: Burn complete. Re-orienting for insertion burn...




Johngas: Insertion burn complete. We now have several hours to kill before we reach Minnimus.

Bob: Anyone know any good games?


Several hours later....


Johngas: Burning to circularize and intercept with The Habstation and Pusher.

MC: Vectors are clear.



Jeb: Lawsuit, this is Gravhab. You are clear for docking procedures. Mate in 4.

B9k: Mate in 2.

Jeb: Grr....

Johngas: Thanks GravHab.

Jeb: So- Come up with any good names for the shuttle?

Johngas: Only one people liked was "Predictably Damaged".

Jeb: That one is fine.




Jeb: Welcome to the Habstation Everyone!.... Where's Bill?

Johngas: Oh. Right. I need to decouple so the other package can dock.

Jeb: What other... A manned excursion unit?

Johngas: Yup. The boffins thought the Minnimus team might need one. Bill is piloting it over.

Jeb: Alright. B9k, contact the MEU.

B9k: Connected.

Jeb: Hey Bill- how is it?

Bill: Cramped.


Johngas: Everyone and everything is where it needs to be. Undocking...


Bill: Docking...


Jeb: Nice to have you back Bill!


Jeb: Drifting....


Johngas: Why?

Jeb: We are still unsure of the long-term effects of the gravioli flux that comes from the drive upon other ships. We don't want you to explode accidently...

Johngas: I don't want to explode....


Jeb: And I don't want to be responsible for your ship exploding.


Jeb: Distance opened. Energy-flux positive. Gravioli-charge detected- burning for intercept.



A few minutes later


B9k: Coming up on the Foundry.


Jeb: Braking...


Jeb: Bill- do you want to get the up-close look to this Foundry?

Bill: Sure.



Bill: Maneuvering on RCS only is rather annoying.

Jeb: It could be worse- no RCS at all....

Bill: That's worse.


Bill: I found a bug in the construction...

Jeb: What is it?

MC: What's wrong Bill?

Bill: Mission Control? Why are you on the line?

MC: B9k patched us in.

Bill: Well... The light is on the wrong side...

MC: ...


Bill: I bet someone read the plans wrong...


MC: Your plans Jeb.

Jeb: I know about these plans- I brought electronic copies up, and I am looking at them. It's not an error on my end.

MC: Now the construction team will feel foolish.

Bill: The false-color imaging layer on the windows is alright, and the microprobes are working, but that is rather annoying.



B9k: The Foundry is giving clearance to dock, and from what I can understand, it is pressurizing to allow cross-dock travel.

Bill: Thanks for the heads-up. Docking now...



Bill: It's rather cramped, but it is Kerbal Tech.

Jeb: Can you ask it to slew so we can dock the hab to it?

B9k: I will decouple my probe.


B9k: Success- it is re-orienting.


Jeb: Coming in to dock.





Jeb: We have docked! Everyone into the hab so we can start working on the plans this thing can create!

MC: We need you to push the small probe back to the shuttle Jeb.

Jeb: You boffins go work on the plans this thing can create- see if you can persuade it to collect the elements listed.

Gromoslaw: Ve underztand Jeb.

Jeb: Great. Bill, Bob- you are with me.

Bill: On it.

Bob: Shotgun!

B9k: Probe is ready.


Jeb: Lining up...


Jeb: And connect!




After a few minutes of maneuvering, our intrepid team rendezvous with the newly-renamed Predictably Damaged.


Jeb: Probe is dropped.

B9k: Manuvering to dock.



B9k: Docking is automatic.

Jeb: So... What do you need this probe to do?

Johngas: I need more DV than my fuel tank contains.


Jeb: Wasn't that planned for?

Johngas: We needed another 200 dv to return to Kerbin.



Johngas: Moving fuel.


Johngas: Decoupling probe.


Johngas: Bay closed.


Johngas: B9k, we need to get home.

B9k: Several aero-captures plotted to return on remaining fuel.

Johngas: Make it happen B9k.

Jeb: We will stay out here for now- it's nice, and we are in a decent place to render aid to the Minnimus team.

Johngas: See you on the ground Jeb.

Jeb: Out of curiosity- how many times have you flown that shuttle?

Johngas: I was pulled out of my final simulator run for this mission.

Jeb:... You are doing well for a rookie.

Johngas: Thanks!


Johngas is asleep, and since his snoring is not that pleasant to listen to, we have a musical number!








B9k: Tower, be advised- multiple aero-captures for slowdown.

Tower: Accepted. Sky is clear.









Johngas: WHAT?!?!?

B9k: Apiopsis is low enough for circularization.

Johngas: Good. Burn when ready!


B9k: Fuel tank expended. Dropping nuclear stage in orbit...



Johngas: Tower- we are in equatorial orbit. Permission to begin landing?

Tower: Permission granted. How was your nap?

Johngas: It was restful.

B9k: De-orbiting...



Johngas: Right... First re-entry...

B9k: Relax- you have more simulated flight-time than anyone on record.

Johngas: Thanks. First, we bounce off the atmosphere slightly...


Johngas: Speed decreasing rapidly.


Johngas: Hitting deeper atmosphere- we are rated for this plasma buildup, right?

B9k: Of course.





Johngas: Maximum plasma shock achieved. It should start cooling off now...


Johngas: Air brake and flaps down...


B9k: Speed too low.

Johngas: Firing engines to compensate.



Johngas: Tower- This is Predictably damaged. I am coming down for a landing...

Tower: We see you. Come on down.


Johngas: And... BRAKES!

B9k: WAI-


Tower: We see some debris. Please respond Predictably Damaged.


Jeb: Next pilot has at least a practice run with the jet-powered version. Did he sign the waiver?

Tower: The one you forwarded that would let us clone him?

Jeb: Of course.

Tower: Yes.

Jeb: Then find his brain- he may just live though this.

Kirlak: We are never naming another ship "Predictably Damaged".

Jeb: That's for sure.


I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! Next one will be next weekend (unless more homework come up *shudders*).

Any new Ideas for ships?

(Oh, and I was able to download the Near-future mod, so any ships that you would like featured can use that now!)

As always, I love reading your comments, and I love to hear what you think.

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Wait what??? JEB crashed? How it could be! Poor Johngas :(

Ah and for the ships - i had one that flies very well, and looks nice etc. but it is a plane. And it also uses procedural wings. And the best thing is- i painted it with KerbPaint! It is such an awesome mod!

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So after a day or two of compiling the data, Pili Industries presents the GSI!

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After the semi-recent boom in gravioli research, we decided to insert various satellites to scan the planets for various anomalies and to map the gravioli fields of the aforementioned planets. After years of travel, the GSI is almost complete, what only remains are the moons and the Sun itself. An advanced scanner probe is currently being built in orbit and is scheduled to depart within the month.

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Update will be Monday eve- I am really exhausted today, and need to rest. However- the next chapter will happen.

School and business projects are really REALLY time-consuming and tiring.

So here's some pretty pictures! (I took them while setting up the scenes for the next chapter.)





Wait what??? JEB crashed? How it could be! Poor Johngas :(

Ah and for the ships - i had one that flies very well, and looks nice etc. but it is a plane. And it also uses procedural wings. And the best thing is- i painted it with KerbPaint! It is such an awesome mod!

I am considering adding kerbpaint to my mods- but I need to finish finding a glitch that keeps causing crashes...

Hilarious ending there Mek, and what may come from the Foundry I wonder?

Stuff. Lots and lots of stuff.

Interesting stuff.

great story, and I think that crashing that shuttle is basically mandatory, or at least several failed attempts before a nearly successful landing IE. losing the engines.

:) Indeed.

So after a day or two of compiling the data, Pili Industries presents the GSI!


After the semi-recent boom in gravioli research, we decided to insert various satellites to scan the planets for various anomalies and to map the gravioli fields of the aforementioned planets. After years of travel, the GSI is almost complete, what only remains are the moons and the Sun itself. An advanced scanner probe is currently being built in orbit and is scheduled to depart within the month.

Since the next chapter requires a bit of a timeskip, these will be used.

(Mekan i know that you know what i posted first, just ignore it)

Hmmm... just wondering, maybe founderies are controlled by some living creature/alien/fungoid/clever gas cloud?

Not quite- but sort of.

Sandulovicui Plasma entities.

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What is sandulovicui? Also i just found that i love creating probes, and they all lokk so awesome, but for some reasons tanks make them ugly :( I've been trying to make a nice small-objects-scanning probe (you know for monolits, arches, pyramids on Duna), but i hav eto make it without fuel because fuel is indeed making it really ugly.

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