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Could we please get the EVA pack made tweakable?

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Right now the EVA pack works pretty well as a travel jetpack on low gravity worlds but it seems WAY to powerful for precisely controlled movement outside a station or ship in zero G. For me every EVA is a long series of over corrections and getting back in the hatch is more about spamming the f key as I drift past rather than stopping in front of the hatch.

If it was made tweakable like engines you could set it for your particular situation. Turn it up on planets and down on zero G.

Who wouldn't want more stuff tweakable right? :)

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I like the OP's idea. I'd like a lot more things to be tweakable eventually, like Reaction wheel force and wheel braking force.

It would be neat, too, to be able to slave control surface actions to groups - say, b lifts your ailerons up and your flaps down, so you generate drag (like an airbrake) but the moments all cancel out and you don't change pitch or yaw.

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Tweakables on EVA gear would be a great addition both on the fly power adjustments and VAB/SPH part alterations would add variety and increased functionality to the game.

Options for VAB/SPH tweaks(adding cost and weight to the ship)

  • Larger fuel capacity
  • Nav system(you can see nav ball on EVA)
  • In the event of hazardous environments being added to some planets changing the suits to better resist them(longer operation time).
  • Tools for various EVA activities(more science from sample or enabling more complicated repairs).

The tweaks during construction would be made to the manned capsules so you would get 1 basic suit per seat available by default. An option to remove suits should also be available for the event you need to go into a capsule and change suits.

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