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Kerbtown + Extraplanetary Launchpads possible? + a couple other ideas


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I am not sure if it is possible, but is there any way to make it so the parts work together? I love the Extraplanetary Launchpads and actually built a rocket that was a self-contained launch facility, capable of landing on the mun. Unfortunately something happened that threw the entire thing into space and I lost it. I also had one that was landed as pieces which worked very well, until I had a rocket that got stuck in the pad's mesh and destroyed half of the operation. I would love to be able to land the pad and make it a permanent fixture on the surface with the resource tree intact. I love the management system and having to scout out the perfect launch site that actually has the requisite materials. I just hate the chance that my whole base could be destroyed with one bad launch.

On a side note, has anyone looked into making facilities upgrades for the main launch facility with kerbtown? I would love to be able to get access to additional things from the tech tree, or purchases down the line when they get the economics as a standard function. Perhaps a larger building hanger, or the mass driver that I have been watching get developed. I love this game and I could easily see something like this making a huge improvement in the whole system.

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