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ParticleEmitter without atmosphere

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Hi everyone,

so I finally got my ParticleEmitter setup working right – and then I go test it on the Mun just to realize that ParticleEmitters don't seem to work there. I tried landing on Duna to make sure it's not some coordinate problem or whatever and indeed, there it works fine.

Does anyone know why ParticleEmitters wouldn't work outside the atmosphere* and, more importantly, how I can get them to work without one? The actual game object is created using

GameObject emitterGameObject = (GameObject) UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate( UnityEngine.Resources.Load( "Effects/fx_smokeTrail_light" ) );

and I can only assume that the problem lies at using a KSP-builtin effect. However, I don't know what properties cause this.

*) I know how gas behaves if released into space, but I am not trying to use this for gas.

Edited by Airblader
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