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Homesteading the Stars


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Chapter One, Part Two

Chapter One, Part One

"Researchers at the Hanork Propulsion Research Labartory have come up with an new propulsion method of rockets, of which they claim can power an flying machine past the speed of sound. We hope to have a test flight with the engine to be running soon. We must beat the Great Union to developing an supersonic aeroplane at all costs."

The Secretary of the Airforce shuffled nervously. He was a new fellow on the job, one who benifited from the win of left-wing candidate President Hefferey. That, and an small incident with a shouting match and budget cut mean't he wasn't exactly liked and off to a good start. He needed a political victory, as he could already feel the tension rising. He needed one bad. He sighed, and quickly picked up the presentation again.

"Anyways. The propulsion breakthrough is simple. Prior to this, all the rockets we used were hybrid. That's not good enough. That was never good enough. What this breakthrough will do is to allow the pilot to control thrust and throttle with precision and accuracy while in-flight with rockets."

"But what about jets? Must we really use rockets to achieve super-sonic flight?"

The reporter paused and looked around rather uncomfortably, noting the death stare the Secretary was giving him, and quickly backed down.

"Yeah, disregard that question. Keep going. I'll uh, head to the bathroom."

"The only reason we're using rockets, instead of jets, is because those stupid corrupt Congressmen keep forcing us to so they can pay off their frakking districts and stuff their stupid fat faces with corrupted cash :mad:...-wait, did I just say that out loud?"

Everyone in the room nodded. Aw, great. My political reputation is ruined :blush:.

Gritting his teeth, the Secretary continued.

"So, any questions?"

"Yes, Mr. Secretary. Is it true that the Secretary of the Army hates your guts?"


The reporter coughed, then repeated.

"Is it true that the Secretary of the Army hates your guts?"


"Is it true that th-"

"Shut up. Now, any relevant questions regarding our supersonic research program?"

"Yes, I have one."

"What is it?"

An short Kerbal stood up. He was well dressed in an suit and tie, and had the look of an wealthy fellow from the upper-class area in the Suburbs.

"Uh. Can I paint 'Kriby was here' on the supersonic rocketplane once it is finished? Along with the logo of my aeronautics company? Can we sponsor your flight? And may I intrested you in an set of LV-909s, they're going cheap for summer sale and we have a bunch of them left over from last years production surplus and we got supply and demand."

"You wanna talk about supply and demand? I used to sell guns for a living, then the war ended and the army let every veteran keep their guns."

The Secretary groaned, then motioned to an security guard.

"Conference is over. Herd everyone out."

Walking to his office, he sunk his head into his arms, then looked at his watch. 11AM.

This is going to be a looooonnnngggggg day.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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Chapter One, Part Two

"XRP-1 Flight One, are you ready?"

"Affirmative ground control. But tell me, why must these sensors be ducttaped all over my pressure suit? It's annoying?"

"We don't know what high-speed flight does to a Kerbal, so we're throwing you in for a test flight. Anything else?"

"Yes. What was XRP stand for?"

"eXperimental Rocket Plane"

"You forgot the 'e'."

"Shut up, noone cares. Anything else?"


Flicking several switches, Captian Bill Kerman waved out of the canopy window. A small assembled crowd of scientists and spectators waved back at him, and he grinned. He was an flying ace of the Great War, and had even commanded his own squadron, the 338th Flying Interceptor Wing. A small badge marked with an symbolic "338" was on his coat, and he kept it with him, always. Always.

"XRP-1 is ready, what else?"


"Nothing. Preparing engine ignition, Bill, you are clear for throttling up!"

"Got it! We're slowly flying up, gaining speed! Control, what was the global speed record for an aeroplane?"

"200m/s, done by some pilot. 318m/s is the sound barrier, atleast in this weather."

"Got it! I'm now on full throttle. You people look like ants."


"That's expected. Bill, speed?"

"150 m/s, and going up! Now past 200m/s! We're close to breaking the sound barrier!"

"Got it!"


"We're past 318 m/s!"

"Roger that! Congratulations, you are the first to fly a plane past the speed of sound!"

"I think I see the curvature of Kerbin."



"That's expected."


"Roger that! Coming in for a landing on the grasslands."

"Understood. Scrambling recovery vehicles. Stay put."

"Got it. Peak altitude was 14,000M, estimated, peak speed was 400m/s. First supersonic flight is complete!"

Bill leaned back and relaxed in his seat, waiting for the famaliar thumping of the craft as it came down. He let go of the control sticks and stared out the window, daydreaming about his adventures during the Great War.

"The 338th..."


"Oh, nothing."

"You're touching down in three se-"

The cockpit jerked upward, leaned to the side, then stood still. XRP-1 had touched down after the first supersonic flight, and a swarm of recovery vehicles and reporters swarmed to the small landed craft.


Standing in the distance, the Secretary of Airforce breathed a deep sigh of relief. His career was saved, for now.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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