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Rover Science Parts

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I think the title says it all. We need some science parts for rovers like maybe a dirt scoop or drilling tool thats small enough for the rovers. I think it would add more of an incentive to build them, and for the people who already do it would make it more fun. I know theres mods for stuff like this , but they usaully not that good and cause unreliability issues in game. So please sqaud be the awesome people that you are and help a fellow spaceman out. Thanks for your time.:cool:

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Great idea!

The technology-tree currently offers 3 things to choose:

  1. Rockets
  2. Probes
  3. Planes

It would be much better if we had more options to spend our science!

Like: a new line for manned (kerbed) space-flight, which would be more expensive. (Successor for early probes not from the beginning)

And also Rovers, which could be the predecessor for bases on other celestial bodies.

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