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Accidental landing.

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Playing career mode, I planned to orbit the Mun to get some SCIENCE. So I built a ship I thought would be good enough, so I sent it there. In my enthusiasm to get there quicker, I time warped a bit to quick. Long story short I banaged to land this: http://i.imgur.com/2Nd6FfJ.png on Duna. basically I got a big gravity assist from the Mun and I was already over half way to Duna, so I thought why not? But now Jeb is stuck until I sent out a ship for him. Has anyone else had a mission not work but then opened up another mission which the ship was NOT designed for?

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Warping to more than 1000x during SOI changes will cause some weird trajectories that will most of time push you out of kerbin orbit and into kerbol orbit, it just happens that it glitched out to be headed to Duna

I mostly immediately restart the mission if it goes south so I don't normally have these kind of scenarios but the most "accidental mission" I did was I sent a probe to duna, the whole mission was supposed to aerobrake, get some science, achieve orbit, get more science, then return to kerbin.

It turned out I was too fast approaching Duna so even I did aerobraked at the lowest possible point I still had a Duna escape trajectory. If i burn to get orbit there's not enough delta-v to return. So I did my best to salvage the mission. the probe did a very low (13km) flyby, Took some science and then let it escape Duna orbit. I was surprised when it escaped Duna, the trajectory was already headed back to kerbin(accidental free return). LOL

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As lyndonguitar said; Wonky stuff happens with time acceleration. I once shot a probe straight up to the skirts of Minmus before running out of fuel. When I time accelerated to speed up the impact I actually did a complete orbit of Kerbin :confused:??????? I went straight through the center of Kerbin and back out???????

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In my career mode I made a similar mistake of time warping too fast, however when I was setting m course for Mun I made sure to leave myself in an orbit around Kerbin as a backup. I posted a video of it on youtube that will be released today, well of me talking about it actually. It was an easy fix as it takes less dV to correct further out than it does to get there in the first place. I will pot the video in this thread when it goes live: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67264-My-first-videos-of-my-attempt-at-Career-Mode

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When I time accelerated to speed up the impact I actually did a complete orbit of Kerbin :confused:??????? I went straight through the center of Kerbin and back out???????

This phenomenon always makes me want to experiment with crazy gravity assists where passing through the lithosphere is not a concern. Haven't got around to it yet.

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