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So, I went onto the KSP wiki and saw campaign called 'Joolieo'. As this was not a created page yet, I thought of a mission to fit this mission. And here it is:

Challenge: Build a rocket that will send a probe, called Joolie, to Jool to investigate it and it's moons. It is recommended that you get some sort of mapping equipment, such as the ISA mapsat mod, so that the moons can be mapped. As well as this, you need a decent probe to gather data about the atmosphere, including it's temperature, pressure and (if you have a mod for this) it's composition (what it's made of)

Rules: You can use, if you wish, mods recommended above and KW rocketry. Remote tech is not recommended for beginners, but can be used by more experienced players. If you wish to use any other mods, ask before launch.

It must at least partially map Laythe, Vall and Tylo from fly-bys (you can also map Bop and Pol if you want to, but this is not a requirement).

When you have completed your mission, de-orbit Joolie to burn up in Jools atmosphere (option to use deadly re-entry for experienced/intermediate players).


1 point for every mapping sweep of Laythe/Vall/Tylo (until you map the whole moon)

1 point for each science pack on your decent probe and orbital probe (must be activated)

2 points for entering laythes atmosphere for areobreaking (must be at least 45km into lathes atmosphere)

2 points for entering Jools atmosphere for areobreaking

5 points for areobreaking in both Jools and laythes atmospheres

50 points for mapping at least 95% the surface of Laythe/Vall/Tylo each (max. 150 for this bit, does not include the 'every mapping sweep' bit, so you can get much more than 150)

10 points for adding a Laythe/Vall/Tylo lander (must land safely)

20 points for adding a Laythe/Vall/Tylo rover (must drive 5 km from landing site and re-activate after 1 night)

40 points for adding a Laythe/Vall/Tylo lander-rover hybrid

10 points for a cool screen shot in orbit around Jool

10 points for a screenshot while near each moon of Jool (max. 50)

If you have used deadly re-entry, you get 35 points if you manage to survive re-entry

I expect points to be in the 100s for beginners, 1000s for experienced players. I might even add one of the screenshots as a wallpaper for my PC.

This is one of my first challenges (second one - my last one was about a space station and it turned out it was bad, so I tried again), so if you need clarification, ask.


Edited by TJPrime
Slight flaw
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Considering this - I've got a loooong flight in progress with a big ship.

But I don't think you've fixed the infinite points - at what point is the entire planet mapped? If I go into an 80 degree orbit, I'll never hit the poles.

Perhaps use something like what SCANsat has - a percentage of coverage. 1 point per percent.

I don't know if ISA has a percentage - but you could even eyeball it as close enough.

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