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[AAR] The Equinox II - A Tale of Vengeance


Do you like me having a large background story for Sigfel?  

  1. 1. Do you like me having a large background story for Sigfel?

    • Yes! I love knowing more about the character before our main adventure.
    • It's alright.. it can be a bit shorter.
    • No; jump to the space already, man!

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Was there a time when we weren't at war? Hell if I remember. Was born into it... then we had that time of "peace". If only it could've come sooner... 7 years later this frakery started. And now, nearing 5 years in, I'm wondering when the hell it will end.

Loke: "This is Delta Squad, the Packer has left our ATUV heavily damaged! Dead in the dust, for christ's sake... Lenald and me are pretty beat up, but I don't think Jorfen survived the hit."


Richcott: "P.O.S mother frakers coming right at HQ... Me and Sigfel are heading as we speak! Hold in there and don't do anything stupid.."

Loke: "Copy that.... He's searching, alright."


Richcott: "I see your position." The ATUV sped across the grass, tearing up dirt as it hit bumps and cracks.


Loke: "Another ATUV? Richcott, I thought you would-"

Richcott: "Trust me on this. I'll buy you an ice cream cone when we get back."



Loke: "I need you to hear me out-"

Richcott: "Relax, I've got this under control."

Sigfel: "Maaaybe you should just listen to-"

Automated Radio Broadcast: "Warning. Air-to-land missile heading towards your position. Leave the area immediately. 2314 meters away. Warning. Air-to-"


The ATUV lurched to a stop near the two men and their broken ATUV.

Sigfel: "Loke, Lenald, Run!"



As the ATUV's wheels gained traction and took off, one of the Packer's rockets fired and struck into the broken counterpart's tire.


Loke: "Best damn defense these junkers have offered, by far!"

Lenald: "You can say that fifty times again, Loke."

Automated Radio Broadcast: "Warning. Air-to-land missile heading towards your position. Leave the area immediately. 1178 meters away."



The missile shot almost dead over the group fleeing the danger. They ducked down as the hell-screeching device dove itself straight into the Packer and screwed over the party inside's day. It was over.


Where should I start? You want me to tell you everything? Jesus, is there going to be some block party afterwards? Is Bon Jebi going to play me a song? Fine, just expect to be here a while. My name is Sigfel Kerman, and I was the Equinox II's commander....

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I don't know if I'm allowed to embed songs into my work, so I guess I'll find out if the link is ever disabled.

ALSO: If anybody is ever wondering what a certain mod is, feel free to ask and I'll answer as soon as I can. Another thing: I've already put together two crafts just for the prologue, and I expect much more to be made. Even though they are for pictures, they work as they should. You can ask about those as well!

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Chapter One-


Richcott: "You two just get patched up in the infirmary.. we'll go see about Jorfen and the Packer."

Lenald: "We aren't too bad, we can come along if you want."

Sigfel: "I wouldn't take any chances. We can handle it."

Richcott: "That Packer was blown to smithereens. If one of those frakers survived the hit, I'd buy him a drink"

Loke: "They can drink their own urine in hell."

Lenald: "Loke, let's go get patched up."

- - -


Richcott: "I'll go check on the other ATUV, little brother. I have a hard time thinking Jorfen survived the hit."

Sigfel: "Yeah... I'm going look around by the Packer. Maybe I can get one of the engineers to get all the explosives out of one of the missiles. I wanna keep one of those babies..."


Richcott: "We could modify those tank tracks for the back of our ATUV! Maybe then we could convince the colonel to put a big ol' machine gun on the... Aww, man. Poor Jorfen."



Sigfel: "Tough guy, he was. Shame for him to have passed."

Richcott: "He was supposed to go see his kids in a week."


Sigfel: "Bad luck right there."

Richcott: "I think we've had the better side for the past few months. Jesus, this engine block is just-"

The loud sound of a gun being fired went off. Richcott turned towards Sigfel's position.


Richcott: "Jesus, no.. no no no.."

Richcott ran, his rifle in hand. As he got closer, an enemy hobbled out from behind the base of the Packer. Nearly half of him was burnt.. his left arm was gone.



Richcott: "Stop! Stop right there, or I'll sh-shoot!"

Rich was in tears, for his little brother Sigfel,no doubt. He fired.


Richcott ran towards Sigfel, who was near unconscious.

Richcott: "Hang in there.. You're gonna be fine, little bro."

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Chapter Two-

Sigfel was awoken to the sound of a heartbeat monitor and the white cleanliness of a hospital room. Standing out against the monochrome colored room were a few bushels of flowers (Which were noticeably withering away) along with enough balloons to carry him off. However, on the the bedside table, one thing stood out more. Cased in glass was a dented handgun bullet and its casing, presumably the same bullet that struck him. With every movement, pain filled his right leg. All he wanted to do was go back to a deep sleep, and that's just what he did, until a doctor came and woke him from his slumber.

Dr. James: "Sigfel, I'm glad to see you've come out of your coma."

Sigfel: "My coma?"

Dr. James: "The bullet that entered your upper right thigh fractured your femur and became lodged. It tore some muscle, however, you should be lucky it did not hit an artery. You could have bled to death in mere minutes. You.... do remember your accident.. am I correct?

Sigfel: "Yes.... it's coming back to me. How long was I out?"

Dr. James: "One week, 5 days... and around 2 hours. My name is James, and you are on the island of Kerai only a hundred miles or so from the base you were stationed at. Your are safe here. How do you feel?"

Sigfel: "I feel like I was kicked by a horse, doc. A damn angry horse."

Dr. James: "I'm sure you do. Your brother came to the island with you and was allowed to stay positioned here. You'll have to stay here for a month, maybe two while you heal and go through physical therapy. There's a large chance you will have a limp for a few years... possibly your whole life.Sadly, however, there is no chance you will be able to stay a soldier."

One month later:

Sigfel walked through a hall, being watched by a nurse and Richcott. Sig's limp was noticeable as he made his way down the hallway.

Nurse: "You've made a fast recovery, Mr. Mahoney. You're doing great."

Sigfel: "Thanks. And please, just call me Sigfel."

Richcott: "Miss, would it be alright if we went on a little walk around the base?"

Nurse: "Alright.. just be careful."

Sigfel: "Don't worry, we will."

The doors of the hospital opened to the familiar sights and sounds of the Kernai Air Base. Jet engines whistled as kerbals talked about everything ranging from movies to missiles. Sigfel and Richcott walked along the side of the runway.

Sigfel: "The doc keeps telling me that I won't be able to continue my military career."

Richcott: "He's told me several times as well."

Sigfel: "What should I do? I miss our family but I don't want to go home. What would dad say? 'Look at you, son, you can't be in the military anymore because you took a bullet to the leg!' It's not right."

Richcott: "You weren't born long enough to remember him, but he wasn't like that."

Sigfel: *Sigh* "I wish I was."

Richcott: "It would have been worse if you knew him like I did. Dad was my best friend, and I had to go through his death. You were just a little baby at that point."

Sigfel: "Our father, commander of The Equinox."

Richcott: "..I think you'd be able to stay in the military if you picked a different career. I mean, you can do other things with a limp."

Sigfel: "Like what?"

Richcott: "Hm... doctor, base engineer, hell.. maybe even a spaceship commander like dad."

Sigfel: "I don't think that's an option, Richcott."

Richcott: "Hm.... how about a pilot?"


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Chapter 3-

It had been one year since Sigfel decided he would join the air force. Same man, same limp, but with a jet. A fighter jet that built the foundry of his astronaut career.


Air Base Personnel: "Three, please report your current status."

Sigfel: "This is three, currently flying over the Rufana Plains.

Air Base Personnel: "We have a report of a possible enemy settlement in sector 16 of the Gobawi desert region. Can you take a look?

Sigfel: "Roger that. I'll report on findings. Three out."



Warning System: "Warning. Fuel low."

Sigfel: "What the frak... Must be a malfunction. Stupid machine."

Warning System: "Insufficient fuel. Engines shutting down.


Sigfel: "This is three, I have an emergency.."

Air Base Personnel: "Three, what is the issue?"

Sigfel: "She's run out of fuel. I don't know how, maybe just half an hour ago I was 3/4ths of the way full. There must be a leak."

Air Base Personnel: "It's not often for this to happen, but it's indeed possible."

Sigfel: "I'm near land, but it's so close to sector 16. I better hope there is no settlement."

Air Base Personnel: "Roger tha****** be c*******...."

Sigfel: "You're breaking up on me, air base. Heading in to land."



Sigfel: "This is three. I've safely landed.. will report position shortly."

Air Base Personnel: "...."

Sigfel: "Airbase? I'm in sector 18 near 'Guand Bay.' Do you copy?"

Air Base Personnel: "...."

Sigfel: "Airbase? Do you copy?"

Air Base Personnel: "...."

Sigfel: "My luck..."


Sigfel: "My kind of fraking luck."


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Chapter 4-

Sweat rolled down Sigfel's face as he trudged through endless desert sand. It had been nearly five hours since he abandoned his jet and he wasn't getting anywhere; just more sand, no water, and no help. He was dehydrated and tired.

Sigfel: "This is it... this is how it's going to end. I'm going to die here. No wife, no kids. No post-war normal life, no retirement..."

As he made it over a hill, a glistening pond lay in the near distance.

Sigfel: "No.. you're seeing things.."

Sigfel turned to walk in the other direction, but stopped in his tracks and started to walk over to it; the sun's reflection mirrored into the water. His walking turned into crawling.

Sigfel: "Just a little taste... that's all I need...."

He reached the water and went to dip his head in. However, there was no water; he realized it was a pair of boots.

Soldier: "уÑÂтðтø øûø ћõüþ þтÿуÑÂтøтø!"

Soldier 2: ãрðôø úðúþ úðöõ! áðôð!

Sigfel lifted his head up to see a vehicle with the insignia of the enemies: The Federation of Nvitshruvok. After a final glance of the few men, he was given a blow to the back of the head with a rifle butt. A man, obviously of higher rank, yelled at the soldiers in a thick accent.

Man: "Fools! Do you not see uniform? This is Capitalist scum! Put him in truck now! áтðòøтõ óð у ÿрþúûõтþü úðüøþýу!

Sig was thrown into the back of the truck in a state of near unconsciousness. Little parts of the ride to the enemy base stuck with him. He was led in with a potato sack over his head and strapped to a chair after a long corridor walk. The bag was taken off to reveal a dim-lit room with two chairs and a table. The man from earlier sat in the other and placed a file down.

Man: "My name is Nebojsa Stanković and I run this base."

Sigfel: "Please.. give me some water.."

Neb slammed his fist on the table

Nebojsa: "You get water when I say you can, scum! What is your name?"

Sigfel: "My name? It's.... Jimbo Selton."

Angrily, Nebojsa raised his pistol and pointed it at him for a few seconds before cursing and setting it down.

Nebojsa: "You are lucky, Sig-fel.. you will be fine help here."

Sigfel: "How.. how do you know my name?"

The leader laughed

Nebojsa: "You dehydrated fool, you have name tag. And now, I have your file."

Sigfel: "My file?"

Nebojsa: "No, it's just mine! Let's see.. you took nasty incident last year and now you are grade-A pilot... recently selected for... "space program training"..

Sigfel looked at him with confusion?

Nebojsa: "Ha! You haven't even got news yet. Too bad you will never walk out this facility. Shame, it's taken them this long to realize that the battle is going to be faught in the cosmos. We are one step ahead. I don't know what you were doing on our land, but I don't want to know."

Sigfel: "Please let me go.. I won't say a word.."

Nebojsa: "Let you go? No."

Neb stepped up, grabbed Sigfel, and led him to the door.

Nebojsa: "Let's get rid of this suit and put you to... work.

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Chapter 5-

It had been a week since Sigfel arrived to the enemy base and POW camp, otherwise known as "The Hellhole." Days were spent mining in the tunnels and eating a meal of slop before heading back to the cells. Sig wasn't going to stand it any longer. As he mined the tunnels on one day, one of the guards was pestering him. It happened often with this one.

Guard: "Scum, stop slacking!"

Sigfel: "Yes sir.."

Guard: "Hey, last night I say hello to your mother for you, scum. She was too busy to say back."

The guard laughed while Sigfel's anger started to rise, but he continued to mine.

Guard: "Would've done the same for your lady but was busy seeing how similar you were to that brother of yours. We've all read the file, both of you are air force boys. I assume he's as much of useless piece of-"

The guard started to turn around, and Sigfel stopped mining. The guard turned back, furious.

Guard: "Hey! Back to work before I blow your head off-.."

Sigfel's pickaxe glided through the air before striking the guard in the chest. The guard looked at him with eyes of horror.

Sigfel: "I've taken your crap for too long, frakhead."

He removed the pickaxe from his chest. The guard put his hand on the wound and began to stumble to the ground.

Guard: "P...ppplease..."

Sigfel: "Shhh, shhh, don't speak, don't worry. I'll tell your mother you said bye."

Sigfel slammed the guard's head into the rock with no remorse. He then took his bright red uniform along with the bandana and glasses he was wearing; it wouldn't be hard to sneak past the guards with all of that. Thankfully the little blood did not show through- most of the hit had to be internal damage. The last thing he took was the guard's sidearm before making his way up to the top... no other person recognized him.

Sigfel: "How am I going to get out of here... Plane? Maybe, just maybe..."

He whispered to himself before looking towads the little runway and seeing the plane that got him into this mess. It was well maintained, with all kinds of new missiles and ordinance. A mechanic was working around it, marking the sides with enemy symbols.

Mechanic: "What do you need, ôруó?"

Sigfel: "Fill her up."

Mechanic: "What? Are you going to fly it? No! You aren't trained for this!"

Sigfel flashed the pistol.

Sigfel: "Well.... I'm waiting!"

Mechanic: "Jesus, you aren't comrade at all..."

The mechanic grabbed a hose and began to fill the plane up. Sigfel took a rag and removed the wet markings to the best of his abilities. The old ones lie underneath.

Mechanic: "It's full... get out of here."

Sigfel: "Sure thing."

He climbed up the ladder, ready to go home. It wasn't until after starting the plane up and taxiing out did he realize that the button names were in Shruvok; it was good he remembered which was which. Making it to the runway, Sigfel noticed that Nebojsa and his men were waiting for him at the other side. Neb came onto the radio.

Nebojsa: "Sigfel, stop the plane or die. Your choice to make."

Sigfel: "You've got two vans and men with assault rifles. I've got missiles, Neb. Get out of the fraking way."

Nebojsa: "Look to your left."

A tank rolled out of the base

Nebojsa: "Do as I say."

Sigfel started the plane up

Nebojsa: "You've got 5 seconds. 5.................. 4................"

Sigfel: "3 2 1."

A heat seeker fired from the plane and flew at the tank. An explosion went off that nearly blew off the right side; it definitely killed the poor guy inside. Sigfel raised the throttle to 75% and the plane began to rumble down the runway. He began firing the guns towards the man, along with Neb who jumped behind one of the trucks; he came on the radio.

Nebojsa: "Mark my words, Sigfel! I've got men on other side who wait for you to get there. You and your brother will die a painful, painful death!"

The plane rocketed over the bullet-marked trucks.

Sigfel: "I'll send them your regards."

* * *

Sigfel saw the green grass of the island on the ground. It was beautiful.

Air Base Personnel: "Unidentified aircraft, please state your identity."

Sigfel: "It's three."

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I've taken the screenshots for the next chapter, so the next will come soon. Still haven't received any feedback at all, so if you are reading the story and would like to criticize me, please do so :). It's great to know if I'm doing things right or wrong, and it feels good to know that I'm not only happy writing the story, but that the readers are pleased as well.

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Chapter 6-

Two years later

Sigfel's return home was followed by a couple of years of intense training. His first trip to space was joined together with a needed satellite repair; one of the solar panels wasn't opening, giving the system insufficient power to operate at it's full potential. Showing him the ropes were two of the program's senior astronauts: Alnie Lennard and Sonnard Manfrey. They had eased their way up to the small sattelite and prepared for the next step, which would be getting the solar panel to extend.


Alnie: "Sig, have you ever seen anything so beautiful?"

Sonnard: "You really don't get the full effect of Kerbin until you see this much of it, kid."

Sigfel: "It's amazing..."

Sonnard: "I remember my first trip up like it was yesterday. By the time the engines were cut off, the sun had just peaked over the horizon. It was just...-"

Alnie: "Hard to put into words. Perfect."

Sigfel: "..Does it ever get boring?"

Alnie sighed

Alnie: "I'll give you a little fact. You could be here... around Duna... Hell, even as far as Eeloo. You could have seen the ground pass under you 5... 10... or 50 times, but somehow it always seems to.. surprise you."

Sigfel: "My father used to say things like that.. Well, according to my older brother Richcott."

Sonnard: "You're a chip off the ol' block, Sigfel. He'd be proud of you."

Sigfel smiled.

Alnie: "We better get to work. Put your tool belt on, Sig."

Sigfel: "..Me?"

Sonnard: "Naw, he just means the other Sigfel. Yeah, you, kid."

Alnie: "We didn't take you up here for nothing! It's simple. All you have to do is unscrew the cover and flip the yellow switch."

Sigfel grabbed the tools and stepped out of the craft. He then let go of the ladder.


Sigfel: "My kod, that feeling.."

Alnie: "Pretty amazing, ain't it?"


Sonnard: "I'd give orbital EVA second place.. walking on the Mun is better. Too bad you won't be going to the Mun with what you're doing."

Sigfel: "..With what I'm.. doing?"

Alnie punched Sonnard in the side.

Alnie: "He means.. at the moment... Damnit, Sonnard!"


Sigfel: "I've got it!"


Alnie: "Feel free to look around a bit before you come back."

Sigfel: "You guys see me?"


Sonnard: "We sure do, commander!"

Sonnard chuckled under his breath before being punched again.

Sigfel: "Are you two hiding something from me?"

Alnie: "You'll know when we're back on the ground. Come on, we've got to go."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 5 confuses me quite a bit. Didn't his brother say that their father died when Sigfel was still a baby? How comes he remembers what his father told him about space travel?

Great story though, I would like to see this continue.

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  FonVegen said:
Chapter 5 confuses me quite a bit. Didn't his brother say that their father died when Sigfel was still a baby? How comes he remembers what his father told him about space travel?

Great story though, I would like to see this continue.

How did I not notice this.... I'll fix it up. Thanks!

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