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Aircraft Carrier Softwhale

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(Because I thought Mattyprince was on to something.)

The Softwhale air to sea carrier is still in its prototype stages, but already proves promising. It has good flight characteristics, and nothing important breaks off when it meets the sea. A full runway has yet to be added. It carries one Softwing-type Interceptor aircraft.

The wing detachment takes inspiration from the Hermies class, of which VA does not claim ownership.


Softwhale on water.


Displaying the detached forward wings.


At speed.

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The safest way I have found for taking off is get the carrier up to speed, but decouple without the planes engines firing, pull up and fir engines once clear. I find this works best as all you really do is slow yourself down and let the carrier slide underneath you :)

Problem - the decoupler I\'m using is apparently the only one strong enough to hold the plane to the carrier. But the decoupler is so big that it tears half the wings and takes off the engine. This is the normal result of using a different one.


What decoupler did you use?

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