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Comedy Machinima - The Kerbal Green Program!


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The Kerbals constant rocket launches have destroyed almost all trees, its getting dire and action has to be taken to reduce pollution! The solution the kerbals have come up with is more environmentally safe and less wasteful rocket launches!

Watch the story and join the journey of the Kerbals as they relearn everything they knew about launching rockets from high altitude with minimal fuel waste, as they take their first steps into space and then off to moons and other planets.

Watch as they test out the "hump drive" in episode 1, drink tea constantly, knock out Matwig religiously and otherwise torture him for your amusement!

Let me know what you think, so far there is 4 episodes with more to come, enjoy!

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3 http://youtu.be/fTP_WuEjQl8

Episode 4

Edited by Soora666
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The platform is stable due to the engines being equally placed so the 4 beams are on the 4 setting then I add the engines carefully opposite each other on the 4 setting so I ended up with 8/12 engines set up good enough that the SAS system can keep it in check. Watch ep 3 and then ask how I made it stable xD

The restoration of the trees must be done through natural methods! I cannot call on the almighty options gods to do it for me. Work must go on!!

Episode 3 is now live, ill edit it into the main post as well. enjoy http://youtu.be/fTP_WuEjQl8

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  • 3 weeks later...

Episode 4 has been added, the title has been updated and ive added direct video links to the 4 episodes in the main post now! Finally figured out how to do it, surprisingly simple but hey.

Let me know if you guys like it, if anyone wants links to the ships let me know and I can see about putting them on here for people to play around with.

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