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Idea for a plugin: Missing Science Display


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recently i had an idea for a plugin and i considered trying to implement it myself. But since i have never done anything in C# before i figured i throw the idea "out there" and see if somebody more experienced is interested in picking it up...and undoubtetly come up with something far better than i would be able to :-) i claim no ownership or any rights of any kind to the idea, so if you like the idea feel free to jump on it.

I was thinking about a small window that displays the science you are missing in context to where you are right now. So, for example if you were on Kerbin, it would show you that you are currently in the biome "XYZ" and that you never did a crew report and an EVA report from here. Or you maybe on a low orbit around Minmus and the plugin would tell you that you never measured the temperature here.

There is a nice table of all the different places you can do science, here: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Science

And the game itself keeps track of what science you already did (and where) in the science archive. so in theorie the plugin should be able to figure out what science you are missing for any given place you are right now.

I think that would be quite helpful, since the possible combinations are so many that you almost can't keep track of it manually.



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I'd also be really keen to see this, which ought to be straightforward enough as long as the data is exposed via the APIs - drives me up the wall having to exit all the way out to the main screen just to check which biomes I've forgotten to take experiment <x> to!


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