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Ladders, what am i doing wrong?


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Trying to use the ladders... No matter how i put them on my lander Jeb climbs to the top and then falls down. What's the trick? Do i have to have it going straight to the lander hatch and not the platform in front of it?

Maybe I'm better off asking for pictures of your landers that have ladders so I can see how you use them. Thanks.

Edited by StainlessSteelRat
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no pic no talk


may sound a little stupid to ask...but

1. hv you actually clicked extend ladder?

2. hv you aligned the top of the ladder with those handles on the capsule door?

Edited by lammatt
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Hopefully that shows up. If Jeb goes any higher he falls, can't move forward to the platform. I had this issue once before on a moon but the gravity was low so I was able to jetpack to the hatch. Wouldn't work on the mun though.

So the idea is, large lander, he climbs to the first platform and then walks to the other ladders.

Yes, I know, I suck at this game. But i still have fun.

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It's not you or your design; ladders are annoying when it comes to that situation. The best thing to do is angle some of the small static ladders around (in addition to your current ladder) so you kerbal can climb to the top.

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I found the "Octagonal Strut" is useful in this situation. If you make a Cubic Octagonal Strut, attach a Octagonal Strut to it, turn it sideways, then rotate it out 5 degrees... You can mount a couple Pegasus I Mobility Enhancers on there and it makes the perfect incline for getting on and off the ladder. Here is an example:


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