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Survive That Attack!


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You light the plasma cannon on fire, and threw it at me? I just move out of the way.

I then dress the next poster up as Kyle, and Eric Cartman comes over to taunt them.

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I simply build and Iron Man suit in the time that it takes for Eric's brain to process that it is seeing me ('cause I'm that awesome) and stand there while Eric pounds hopelessly against my invulnerable shell.

I then construct a quantum computer and subsequently get a "divide by zero" error, causing the past, present, and future of the entire universe to be deleted.

Edited by Vaporo
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I watch as my homeplanet gets destroyed from the safety of it's moon.

Eric, from 3 posts earlier, gets bored pounding against Iron Man's suit, and then throws Mr. Mackey's gigantic head at the next poster, along with trying to beat up the next poster after Mackey's head did it's damage.

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I pull a giant sword out of my pocket and use it to cut the tear gas into tiny little pieces. What? That doesn't make sense? Well, who says you can criticize.

Popeye the Sailor eats spinach and attacks the next poster.

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I'm standing in the middle of a bunch of mousetraps.

A helicopter comes down to pick me up. As I grab onto the rope and am winched to safety, the downdraft pushes the next poster over into the mousetraps.

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Helicopter? What helicopter. I don't remember thro- CLONK! I get hit by a helicopter. But apparently I am immune to helicopters or something. (Its midnight. Give me a break)

I then strap the next poster to a chair and make them watch Seasons 1 through 4 of MLP.

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I raise my fist, shattering the TV on contact. I then shoot you in the leg as punishment for trying to kill me.

The next poster gets swarmed by a bunch of ubercharged scouts.

Edited by Souper
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