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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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The configs weren't for 1.0, they are older - going to remove them for the next version of the mod.

Edit: actually, probably just going to make these both heat tweak files and remove the unused modules.

i have the issue kso on reentry kso turn upside down is an FAR mod

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i have the issue kso on reentry kso turn upside down is an FAR mod

What? Neither of the shuttles support FAR out of the box... and neither of the shuttles support nuFAR at all.

Has anyone else run into the issue where decoupler parts have a blank staging icon, and keep puffing smoke while in the VAB/SPH?

This is usually the result of an improperly installed mod thats changing how the parts in question work.

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I'm having an interesting issue. The ADI has gone completely white, and the Takeoff Assistant is displaying {1:SIP_6.3} instead of any speeds. Any idea what's going on?

Do you have the correct version of RPM? How did you install the KSOS?

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From the most recent install that was recently uploaded. The non-plugins one. Installed RPM and RPM Core through CKAN. Says they're up to date. Interestingly enough, on relaunch of the game the ADI came back but the TOF assist is still borked.

I'm wondering if it isn't a mod conflict. Which seems strange because my mods are generally quite benign... Hmmm. May have to experiment.

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I know it was possible at one point or another, but does anyone still have a config that enables texture switching for the shuttles? So that I could use all the different names but not have a bunch of redundant parts.

I know someone posted them once, but I haven't been able to find it and I'd imagine that they're broken at this point anyway.

Also to note, its fantastic to be able to really use this mod. I never used to be able to play without FAR and now I don't really need FAR anymore, so this mod is actually very usable.

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I know it was possible at one point or another' date=' but does anyone still have a config that enables texture switching for the shuttles? So that I could use all the different names but not have a bunch of redundant parts.

I know someone posted them once, but I haven't been able to find it and I'd imagine that they're broken at this point anyway.

Also to note, its fantastic to be able to really use this mod. I never used to be able to play without FAR and now I don't really need FAR anymore, so this mod is actually very usable.[/spoiler']

Check my signature.

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Check my signature.

You, sir, are the man.

Also to note with the update, does anyone else have issues with the KSO25 slowing down too well? Even if I do a straight dive from 3k km up and pull up it still drops my speed down to less than 40m/s. Not that it necessarily detracts from the usability of the shuttle, it just makes for very boring landings lol.

Edited by G'th
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You' date=' sir, are the man.

Also to note with the update, does anyone else have issues with the KSO25 slowing down too well? Even if I do a straight dive from 3k km up and pull up it still drops my speed down to less than 40m/s. Not that it necessarily detracts from the usability of the shuttle, it just makes for very boring landings lol.[/quote']

Isn't that what a shuttle is supposed to do well? Glide, but be able to bleed off alot of speed?

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Pardon me for asking an uninformed question--but as of 1.02, are KSO's docking ports compatible with the standard Clamp-o-tron docking ports of the same size (the default "medium" size or the small size for small KSO docks). Or do we need to use Adaptive Docking?

I haven't tried KSO since 0.90, and I'm anxious to get back in, but want to know if I ought to give all my space stations an additional unique docking port, Shuttle/Mir style.

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Pardon me for asking an uninformed question--but as of 1.02, are KSO's docking ports compatible with the standard Clamp-o-tron docking ports of the same size (the default "medium" size or the small size for small KSO docks). Or do we need to use Adaptive Docking?

I haven't tried KSO since 0.90, and I'm anxious to get back in, but want to know if I ought to give all my space stations an additional unique docking port, Shuttle/Mir style.

As far as Im aware, the docking ports still do not work with the stock ports. I am unfamiliar with how Adaptive Docking works, so I dont know if that will work at all.


New video finally, after several issues with planning... I decided to just do a different mission.

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@Avalon304: Nice video once more! I really enjoyed that.

Here's a few observations I've got:

- Scatterer can be really pretty, as well as really glitchy. Have you tried Better Atmospheres? I actually like that better! :)

- For my shuttle landings, I always aim further west from the KSC. Since they glide instead of falling like a brick, they tend to move further east from the MechJeb landing prediction.

Keep'em coming! I'm loving your series.

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@Avalon304: Nice video once more! I really enjoyed that.

Here's a few observations I've got:

- Scatterer can be really pretty, as well as really glitchy. Have you tried Better Atmospheres? I actually like that better! :)

- For my shuttle landings, I always aim further west from the KSC. Since they glide instead of falling like a brick, they tend to move further east from the MechJeb landing prediction.

Keep'em coming! I'm loving your series.

Scatterer does much more than Better Atmospheres does. Better Atmospheres just makes the atmosphere look pretty using EVE and Texture Replacer configs. Scatterer actually adds atmospheric scattering, via the use of a shader. Comparison:

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Outside of the glitches coming out of time warp (which only happens because Im running OpenGL and the shader has trouble with OpenGL) and the edge of screen glitch, Scatterer does more and looks better.

I usually do too (watch any of my vids from before patch 1.0 came out and youll see me burn more after MechJeb lines me up), but my reentries are usually never that steep, which would have changed things, and this was the first reentry I had made in 1.0, so I needed to see how things had changed, with regards to the new aerodynamics. But I would have never been able to land on runway 09 before 1.0 if I overshot like I did, I would have had to pull a 180 and hit runway 27, or divert to the island.

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so I have a question. how would I download only packs 2 and 4 for ksp 1.0.2 if there are no seprate pack installers for kso and everything only comes in one big bundle, I have no clue how to separate the packs, what should I do?

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Well, the reason they haven't updated the individual packs yet is the 1.0.2 version is still a beta. Your best bet to sort out the packs is probably to download the old separate installers and use those files as a guide. I don't believe any of the filenames have changed.

I might have a bit of a bug with the Super25, BTW. I'm using the Snacks! mod, and the Super25 doesn't have any snacks resources. I know this might be a Snacks! issue, but I thought I should broach it here too. The weird thing is AFAIK snack capacity is procedurally generated based on how many crew are in a capsule, so it should have automatically loaded enough for all six, but it doesn't even have a Snacks resource. I'm pretty sure it's just the Super25 cabin that is effected, as far as I can tell all the other crewed parts have snacks.

Edit: I'm still not sure what's up here, I tried manually adding the snacks resource to the part, but it still didn't appear in game. I was able to add a snack supply to the nose cone instead though, so I know I had the code right, and at least that offers a work around.

Edit Again: I suspect the culprit was an old version of Interstellar Fuel Switch, I happened to download a new version of that and now the EWBCL cabin has 300 snacks, just like it should. Now I just have to remove the snacks from the nose cone :)

Another bug I've noticed now though is that texture switching is not being saved by the craft file. I will try downloading a new copy of FS.

Edited by Capt. Hunt
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The kso docking ports arnt working for me, once i get close enough to dock the magnets pull me in then it just wobbles around and never fully docks with the other kso port. i tried to turn off sas ans rcs and this just slows the wobble. any help would be nice

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