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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Project Update

-Was going to release shots of Phase II in progress but, I'd rather keep things under wraps until it all gets textured.

-High Res models for baking, done!

-UVW, done!

-Additional models (like the observation module), done!

To Do


-Diffuse Textures and touchups

-Colliders and attach nodes

-IVA for the SST and various Lab modules.

Other stuff

-I might not do version 1.14. It would have included the improved Cargo Bay, MechJeb compatibility, and some minor fixes. I would rather consolidate all that into version 2.0.

-MechJeb should be fully functional in our next update.

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Project Update

- Was going to release shots of Phase II in progress but, I'd rather keep things under wraps until it all gets textured.

I think I speak for everyone when I say we all enjoy the dev shots if you change your mind. But I understand if you'd rather show them off textured. Keep up the great work.

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I might not do version 1.14. It would have included the improved Cargo Bay, MechJeb compatibility, and some minor fixes. I would rather consolidate all that into version 2.0

I like the consolidation idea... Surprise us with awesome!:wink:

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Yeah i wouldnt mind a cockpit legend as well and how to navigate around it
I think i've lost the image with the cockpit legend, someone could link me that image?

Yeah I took it down since I was supposed to put up a video of me pointing out all the features...

Then I got side tracked with Phase II...

I don't have those shots anymore although they are on imagur still.

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Mod crashes my game on load up. I will uninstall until phase II is released and hopefully a solution is provided for any instability. All I have installed is STOCK, docking alignment, clouds and city lights, and orion nuclear pulse rocket.

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Mod crashes my game on load up. I will uninstall until phase II is released and hopefully a solution is provided for any instability. All I have installed is STOCK, docking alignment, clouds and city lights, and orion nuclear pulse rocket.

IT sounds like a memory crash. Clouds and City Lights is pretty Memory intensive...... Get Active Texture Managment and try with the low-res download of the KSO

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Mod crashes my game on load up. I will uninstall until phase II is released and hopefully a solution is provided for any instability. All I have installed is STOCK, docking alignment, clouds and city lights, and orion nuclear pulse rocket.

try re-downloading and re-installing, if that fails, try removing Orion nuclear pulse rocket and testing, cause I'm using all those mods except that one and it works fine, I think you either got a bad download error, or its conflicting with pulse rocket, cause I don't use that one.

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Helldiver, do you anticipate that there will be a need for 1.25m/2.5m to octagonal size adapters in the future? Or is this a non-issue, from the way you're designing the parts? Thanks!

I anticipate it couldn't hurt to make these parts anyway... :D I would if I knew how...

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I don't say this often, and I consider my self very difficult to please when it comes to authenticity, but this mod is truly a work of art.

Now, I've mastered rocket and SSTO building in stock kerbal, I can get kerbals into space with craft that are much more fuel efficient than this shuttle, BUT, when it comes to delivering 6 kerbals + cargo, I have yet to build a SSTO (under part count of 500) that can deliver payload, kerbals AND LOOK GOOD at the same time.

I love this game and have loved it since I started playing it last year, but of all the mods released on this fantastic forum, this one stands as one of the best this gaming community has ever seen.

I am really looking forward to seeing what comes next, because this spacecraft FINALLY oozes Kerbalism as well as keeping the spirit of space travel intact, and if this level of awesome is maintained, we are all in for a big treat.

Very well done.

Note: Two minor problems, when I toggle the OMS engines for orbital insertion, my game freezes. ALOT. To overcome this, I enter map view and do the insertion that way, but it'd be nice to do my orbital insertion whilst enjoying the view. Second, how can I toggle the crew pod lights on? I do not see a toggle button when I right click the cockpit.

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So no one has a link to that image?

I'm not english and despite i can write and read it with no problem, i'm not so good understanding spoken language and video tutorial without subtitles.

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So no one has a link to that image?

I'm not english and despite i can write and read it with no problem, i'm not so good understanding spoken language and video tutorial without subtitles.

I tried finding it for you but I have been unable to find it. Imgur's site has a useless search engine and sadly my google-fu is not up to par.

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Also, one suggestion:

Maybe put the rear landing gear further back on the fuselage. I don't really understand why it's so close to the center of gravity. The further back the landing gear, the less likely one may risk a tail strike.

I'm also trying to change the sound effects to use the ones in the ARP mod... but I can't seem to find a way to change the effects to use a different engines sounds. Where is the mod grabbing its sfx? I can't find them.

Edited by TeeGee
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Also, one suggestion:

Maybe put the rear landing gear further back on the fuselage. I don't really understand why it's so close to the center of gravity. The further back the landing gear, the less likely one may risk a tail strike.

I'm also trying to change the sound effects to use the ones in the ARP mod... but I can't seem to find a way to change the effects to use a different engines sounds. Where is the mod grabbing its sfx? I can't find them.

The main gear is at the correct location where I designed it and aft of the CG when properly set up in a landing configuration. What you are experiencing is either:

-Coming in with too much fuel.

-Improper use of the KSO instead of what it was designed to do (using it like an airplane or SSTO?).

-Weight changes based on load or fuel.

-SAS Torque may be fighting you and causing it to tip back on its tail.


-Follow proper procedures as described in your owner's manual... (in other words, it's not an airplane :D )

-Return to KSC with less than 90 Liquid Fuel. This would be lower depending on the load you're bringing back. 0 Fuel is optimum.

-Use SAS until touchdown. Apply brakes liberally until the nose touches down. Once you're at a safe taxing speed, turn off SAS. Keeping in mind that what makes you tip up is really the strength of the SAS.

-Reduce the amount of SAS you're using by turning the torque off at the nose (if you're using the docking nosecone).

The V-6 craft file is not working for me.

KSO V-006 has been out for more than a week and now you report issues with it? It's the same craft file Nazari and I are using and I've not had any reports with it. You'll have to be more specific.

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