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Challenged! The Arkingthaad Nadir.


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I've been challenged!

"That's not going to happen. And even if it does, you will not be able to turn it."

The topic in question is the work in progress called the Arkingthaad Nadir. Here's the "sizing" of the central column:


The side connectors, I determined, were far too short. So I lengthened them by a little over four times. Here's half of one side column done:


I expect nine columns in total, though if need be, I can crop it to five. The center column itself, plus engine group, was a little over 1,100 parts. This may be the build that finally gets me to the 10k part mark. And ladies and gents, I fully intend to land the tallest thing ever on the Mun.

Mods, this thread is regarding the construction to meet this challenge. It's not technically a challenge of the sort we've got here, nor am I offering this craft to others, so it doesn't go to spacecraft exchange. If you'd permit it to lurk here in General, I'd be grateful. It is, after all, generally about KSP. :D

Will update thread with more pictures and findings as the build continues. I intend to win.


Close up of one column's engine cluster. Five mainsails, which means there will be forty-five total.

Edited by Whackjob
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LOL! That top picture kills me.

"Stand up straight, we're going to use you as a ruler."

"Stand where?"

"Right next to those things that are highly explosive and just looking for a reason to kill somebody."


#EDIT: Side note... started doing my saves as 1 through 10... that way if that craft file corrupts on me again, I'll still have nine good ones.

#EDIT2: The MOAB, while being a great big bloody thing, isn't actually the largest conventional munition ever used. It's the third largest. Second and first are the British "Tallboy" and "Grand Slam", respectively. Incidentally, that last picture is in fact of a Grand Slam, so you did it right the first try!

Edited by Whackjob
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  Moar Boosters said:
It would be pretty epic if you landed it on the moon. Even if you don't manage all 9 columns.

Indeed! It would prove to be quite a spectacle!

  Moar Boosters said:
What happened with your spaceplane ventures?

What usually happens to builds I didn't finish: A combination of ADHD and burnout.

#EDIT: Finished first outside column. Went to launch it.


First of many! About to grab that side column and duplicate it out four ways via symmetry tool. Anyone ever try to add four thousand parts in one shot? I feel this is new territory.

Edited by Whackjob
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What the... That is just a zillion times bigger than anything I ever use! I think we should bring a new expression to life here, To Whackjob something: to greatly overdo something untill it has to be attacked by the kraken.

I shall use it now, that rocket is very Whackjobbed and sigh, it isn't even finished!

Edited by panzerknoef
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  vexx32 said:
If you do manage to build this thing, send me a copy of the craft file. I want to see what it can do.

I'd be happy to!

Work continues apace. First outside column complete.


Now all that's left is to pluck it off the center column, allow 4x symmetry, and bolt it back on.... I'm about to attach 3,000 more parts in one click. That's gotta be some sort of record.

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  Fiddlestyx said:
What are your computers specs?


And an update: The bolt-on mission? Inexplicable success!


That's a little over three thousand MORE parts going on with a single click. I think that's the record. :)

But how does she hold up on the pad?


Very well! Slow FPS, of course, but she holds! Gravity takes effect, and there's no shearing. Which is a total shock to me, because I haven't yet bound the stacks together aside from ONE bar of trusses! Yes, it looks like there are many, but they're touching, not bound. Gotta run struts between them yet. But of greater concern to me, is there enough engine under each stack to get lift?


Turns out, yes! To my complete shock, I clear the clamps before my unreinforced stacks flex and shear. But that's nothing... I just gotta finish up that part of the strutting. Progress, folks, beautiful progress!

#EDIT: Progress being finishing the strutting on those, adding four more columns, and then landing gear of some unprobable design.

#EDIT2: And boosters, which will probably be necessary.

#EDIT3: "But Whackjob, how are you gonna STEER that thing?!" You cant' see it, but I've got reaction wheels hidden away. Specifically, four of them secreted inside EVERY Rockomax-32.

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OH! You can see the reaction wheels ghostly silhouette on the image in the VAB, that's clever!... and a LOT of reaction wheels.

I was building a relatively large (for me) vessel the other day, and a mod that I have adds radial reaction wheels.

I wondered what would happen if I tossed them on in 8x symmetry... it just snapped my rocket in half! haha

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You're kidding, but I probably will exceed ten thousand parts on this one. I'm already just shy of five, and I have four more stacks, reinforcements, solar array, landing legs, and boosters to add to it.

#EDIT: ARGH. Just did a thorough inspection. Four pieces came on, but the heavy strut lattice I put on the outside tank did NOT replicate. I'd forgotten about it. Oh, the connectors are there, on the other tanks, but just the one end. There's no strut connection. I will have to redo it. No biggie... just a delay. Time for me to take a break now anyway. Been at it for hours.

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Guest Brody_Peffley
  Whackjob said:
You're kidding, but I probably will exceed ten thousand parts on this one. I'm already just shy of five, and I have four more stacks, reinforcements, solar array, landing legs, and boosters to add to it.

#EDIT: ARGH. Just did a thorough inspection. Four pieces came on, but the heavy strut lattice I put on the outside tank did NOT replicate. I'd forgotten about it. Oh, the connectors are there, on the other tanks, but just the one end. There's no strut connection. I will have to redo it. No biggie... just a delay. Time for me to take a break now anyway. Been at it for hours.

Nope not kidding. I'm actually challenging you. I'm building my master piece :D

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Guest Brody_Peffley
  Xetalim said:
I still wonder how you can manage 5000 parts, as my quad core 2.3 GHz processor can't do that D:

Well. Maybe he has a better architect on his cpu that is newer. Or somehow he made his own cpu built for ksp...

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Guest Brody_Peffley
  LameLefty said:
I'm pretty sure Whackjob has stated that his PC isn't anything special. He's just a got a lot more patience and maybe stubbornness than most of us. :wink:

Well I just built a 500 part ship that has the first stage take it into orbit almost a ssto. And than the 2nd stage can get it to any planet. And than the third stage can go to more planets. And come back with alot of fuel. Its a big monster, All chucky but I like it. Its the first time i made a ssto rocket.

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