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Stock anti gravity device.

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Wow! I've long waited for the day when we have a reactionless drive, and here it is in KSP at least in a way that is impressively non-cheaty (meaning it was discovered rather than intentionally built in). Bottled Krakens. I never thought I'd see the day.

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Whoa! Tried HyperEditting it to Munar orbit. It appears some significant fraction of the top half is an orbital parachute, much like the bug that occurs when you are in orbit of a small body and attempt to deploy an octagonal strut with 8 small ladders around it with or without a Kerbal on them. It non-relativistically cuts to surface speed instantaneously.

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Grr... My drive is a freaking drag chute in FAR.

Even though it shouldn't realistically be.

Come on! 7.3 m^2 ref area with a subsonic cD of 17? That means that at 100 m/s ASL, it is generating 1500 kN, enough to counter a mainsail...

And the parts generating it weigh only a few tonnes, tops.

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Would this work if I mounted 2 on a ship and made something rather Voyager-esque?

As long as the thrust ends up through the center of mass, it seems not to matter. Play with it!

@Pds314, you seem to be a hyped with it as i got when I saw it. Good! Jenkens has managed to make us "lose" a lot of hours chasing this new form of bug-powered awesomeness.

I am giving an account of my own development efforts in the company thread Jenkens set up for the development of this technology, so to avoid duplicating posts and information, I encourage you all to see what's cooking there.

Rune. Suffice to say I got a theoretical single-stage-to-anywhere-and-back working already, and now I'm going for improvements that turn it into a practical single-stage-to-anywhere-and-back.

Edited by Rune
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