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Theoretical Question


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That\'s what I thought. Although inertial frame dragging is also a thing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame-dragging). I don\'t get the feeling that those effects are in the same order of magnitude as the parent gravity though

I think you\'re right on. There is some influence, but I believe a weak one relative to the attractive force of the mass.

Whether or not it could \'throw you off' might be determined by the initial point. An object on the super rotating body would have inherited its velocity relative to the mass. A sudden increase or decrease would be catastrophic, but gradual increase should also be inherited and would continue until the mass spun itself apart. All spherical spinning bodies bulge at the equator ...I guess with enough rotation, and destabilization due to the energy released, the planet would destroy itself ...that would count as being \'thrown off\' I suppose.

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yeah. unless it\'s perfectly rigid, you\'ll end up with, um, problems.

from the poles, the full pressure of rock is still pressing down on the core.

from the equator, the entire rock column has greatly reduced pressure. And the more it deforms outwards, the more of it is moving faster than orbital speed and wants to fly outwards, and pulls outwards on the bits it\'s still attached to.

I think what you\'d end up with is cataclysmic plate tectonics, gradual loss of a portion of the planet\'s mass as things loosened and flew off.. a continuing process of that... and eventually a really thick, ovoid disk (like a round, flat pebble from a creek) with the old core sticking up through the middle and the outer edge of the disk just a little beyond orbital speed, being held to the disk by cohesion only.

Is there anyone who can build a deformable physics model of it and record a video of the effects? I think this one would be fun to watch! A demonstration of Roche\'s limit as applied by a body\'s own rotation.

I have Universe Sandbox. I wonder if I could try something in there.

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