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Panzerknoef's Shuttle Pack

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I have suceeded in making SpaceShuttles in all sizes and shapes. But my main design philosophy for them is: they shouldn't be suicidal to fly! and so I built, building shuttles with an easier design than those made by NASA. My shuttles have symmetrical staging built around the Shuttle, instead of on one side.

All Shuttles are LKO capable!

SpaceCycle: Our smallest model, featuring a kerbal sitting on a chair... (use caution when activating SAS as this could trigger the infiniglide bug on the shuttle)



Stock Version:


MJ version:


SpaceCar: One man Shuttle, kerbal is in a pressurized cabin and the Shuttle can Dock!



Stock version: http://www./view/n0sk0c759g2m5t2/SpaceCar.craft

MJ version: http://www./view/4cpzlcxb1246g91/SpaceCar_MJ.craft

SpaceBus: A 3 man Shuttle, easy to use. And once more able to dock.



Stock version: http://www./view/71gt53dophp9t78/SpaceBus.craft

MJ version: http://www./view/3br92f9ilvb5xry/SpaceBus_MJ.craft

SpaceTruck: Another 3 man Shuttle, but this one has the ability to take up to 8 tons of payload. Fuel is limited, so take it easy on that engine!(when taking heavy payloads) Also capable of docking. (yes it's a mark III as one and two were terrible). I'm still resolving some issues with it. So a 100% safe flight is not guaranteed



Stock version: http://www./view/cyd5jpt9m8mumx0/SpaceTruck_mark_III.craft

MJ version: http://www./view/c3ps0285z7o098t/SpaceTruck_mark_III_MJ.craft

I do hope you enjoy these shuttles and give me information regarding problems so I can resolve them as fast as I can! And if you will, please give your comment below.


Edited by panzerknoef
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ReNEWed SpaceCycle!!


- added more fuel to external boosters

- added more torque to boosters and powered fuel tank

- changed the design slightly

- added monopropellant tank to shuttle

- added rcs ports to shuttle

- added docking port Jr. to shuttle

So yes, it can now dock to stations! But if you try so, I only made it with 0.88 fuel left in the tanks so be carefull. And if you plan on taking it back down, refuel at the station ;)

Edited by panzerknoef
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I downloaded the the space truck and did not regret it. Looks really nice but I havent actually flown a full mission due to... complications.

But on a brighter note here are some pics of the space truck.






Fortunately the Probe survived but met the same fate as the shuttle. The only difference was that it was on a different planet.



(You may want to put seperatrons on the big fuel tanks because I kept hitting those.)

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