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Free-return Mars flyby questions


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After reading through the thread I feel as if I should clarify the reasons for my questions. Basically with the data you have given me I have managed to figure out that a mars flyby mission would only require the launch of one of the heaviest variants of the SLS vehicle (lifts roughly 290,000 lbs). For the most part I found out that if you used a nuclear engine (ISP of about 850) you could get away with roughly 150,000 lbs for your spacecraft (assuming the rest of the mass is fuel), enough to actually do a flyby quite comfortably and safely (the chemical engine flyby would have to be far more bare boned). My cost estimate for this mission is $1-1.5 billion (assuming the SLS only costs 500 million per launch, the rest of the money would go to developing the spacecraft).

Some of the many reasons for the mission could be as follows

-To stress test the reliability and efficiency of Life-support/recycling equipment as well as the effectiveness of radiation shielding

-Publicity/National Pride

-To control a robot on the surface of mars in real time (Human like robot that moves similarly to the controller?) allowing for better/ faster sample gathering

-To rendezvous with a sample container from the robot mentioned above (It would almost be like landing and gathering a sample I guess)

-To get some really nice pictures of mars (you might as well considering you are there...)

Although NASA would never do this, I'm sure some billionaire out there would be willing to drop $500 million for a seat on the spacecraft and a place in history

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I compare the cost of one Mars mission with the cost of another Mars mission, you compare the cost of one Mars mission with the cost of... cars. Apples, oranges.

No, it's not apples to oranges - it's comparing like to like. You didn't compare Mars missions. You didn't compare capabilities. You didn't express goals... you simply voiced a desire for low costs, and I gave you a way (as irrational as your original one) to lower your costs even further.

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