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The grand ksp timeline


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Update 1.2 :3

Year 4000000 BC: Big Bang.

Year 300000 BC: Kerbol is Formed

Year 20000 BC: The Inner Planets form. Single-Celled life begins on Kerbin.

Year 1 BC: Stone Age of the Kerbals. Wheel invented by Oog Kerman when his calendar rolls away.

Year 1 AD: Industrial Revolution of the Kerbals (Tech Evolves fast in the Kerbal World)

Year 1000 AD: The First Boosters. Y1K Bug knocks causes a BSOD on the server hosting the files for the blueprint however, making the tech lost to history...but only for 1.1 Hours.

Year 1910 AD: The First Space Corporation is Opened: Rockomax Explosives and Rocketry.

Year 1950 AD: Insular Inc. Opens on the 40th anniversary of Rockomax Conglomerate as a Sub-Division devoted to space stations and Science.

Year 1200 AD: The Kerbin-Orbiting RECCO Space Station is launched by Insular Inc, and Bill Kerman is chosen to be the first astronaut to board.

Year 1234 AD: A Kraken destroys RECCO and leaves Bill as the sole survivor, Causing Insular Inc. to shut down and abandon the Insular Airfield Spaceport.

Year 1254 AD: KSC Opens on the coast of the Insular Airfield (Which is now overgrown and destroyed) and Bill, alongside with Jeb and Bob, are the astronauts on their first rocket, The Minimus III. It is a spectacular success, being able to keep an LKO for 2 days before returning to Kerbin.


Edited by ExplodingRocketShips
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Shouldn't it be BK and AD? :) (Oh, and you have 1910 and 1950 AD before 1200 AD! *Fights... instinct... to... re-arrange... dates... sequentially...*)

Though there are many variations on the forum on the who, when and why, you might want to add in the ancients who made the various extra kerbestrial monoliths somewhere in antiquity. Katlantians? Ancient space Druids? Kraken worshippers? Who knows?

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