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Sovek's Interplanetary Expedition Team (rename, 2-23-14)


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Inspired by Scott Manley's Interstellar Quest series on youtube, I have opted to do one myself. The entire series will have a writeup on each mission (minor/major and even some sims) so that you will know exactly what I have done and when. There are also a number of rules to follow, goals to meet and difficulty mods (as if the rules didn't make things hard as it was)

1. Manned missions must take place at least one month apart from the previous launch.

2. No kerbal may be posted to another mission without a three month break from his previous mission.

3. No using F5/F9 to cheat. What happens, happens. Simulations are allowed by moving the persistent file to another save and designing there, otherwise, if it fails for whatever reason, it's finished and a new mission is scheduled

4. If failure occurs, there is a two month wait before the next launch if the next launch includes a part from the failed craft. This is to simulate an investigation into what failed and if it was the part's fault.

5. No using reaction wheels for orientation, period, end of story. FASA has some weak, small RCS ports that are tech 0 (but no mono-prop) to allow for this. There wont be a single mission flown using pod torque.

6. No playing without FAR, TAC Life support, Remote Tech and Deadly Reentry.

7. No completely unrealistic rockets, this includes (but not limited to) anything larger than the booster (save for fairings), Asparagus staging, and jet assisted rockets. SSTO's are fine, within reason.

8. Complete perma-death. None of the "original three"

9. Rescues may be possible if enough life support is available for a mission to be devised. (2+ weeks), otherwise, they are on their own.

10. No single kerbal landings. There must be at least one more kerbal to land with him.


Fully Explore (science) the solar system

Place a research station on each celestial body capable of staying for 6 months or more (minus Jool and Kerbol)

Place a space station in orbit of each major celestial body (Including Kerbol)

Send a probe on escape trajectory out of the solar system (if possible)

Launch an interstellar ship capable of FTL and 5+ years of life support (if possible)

Mod list

6S Service Compartment Tubes

AIES (modded to force Remote Tech to recognize probe cores as probe cores)


Deadly Reentry

Enhanced Navball



Kerbal Alarm Clock

Kerbal Attachment System

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement


KSP Interstellar

KW Rocketry


Panda Jager Laboratories Parts Pack (modified the Science Jr to be unlocked at Precision Engineering and are single use to allow for better asthetics when working with 2m pods)

RCS Sounds

RemoteTech 2

Space Shuttle Engines

TAC Life Support

Toolbar 1.6

Visual Enhancement

(yes, its alot, and I play with all of them)

Episode 1: First Steps

Finch 1 Disaster Newscast

Episode 2: Finch 1 Launch: Space Travel Is Dangerous

Episode 3: Can I Haz Space Science?

Episode 4: Is Success Just Around The Corner?

Edit 2-23-14

Series has been renamed to the IPET series

Rule 5 changed to not allow reaction wheels at all since FASA includes low tech RCS ports

Rules 8-10 added (as if I needed any more)

Mods list now links to all mods to allow for download and/or looking at various parts I'm playing with, also re-organized alphabetically

Edited by Sovek
Series Rename, links, missions update.
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Mission 1: Study the effect of wearing a space suit and collecting data from extrakerbin enviroments

Test Victim Subject: Jebediah Kerman

Result: Success with a total of 66 science collected.

Mission Report: Subject collected samples while wearing new and fully certified "space suit" from 4 local areas and hiked a total of 4 km while not passing out from heat exhaustion. Subject convinced he's going to be first on the Mun despite being told otherwise and gave his best effort. Experiment was ended after nightfall. "Space suit" is fully certified for the first sub orbital flight after implementing the water cooling suggestion from the experiment.

Gene: "So Jeb, we have a mission for you, we need you to put our new space suit through a bit of testing, up for it?"

Jeb:"Sure, I'm going to the Mun, right?"

Gene:"Jeb, We've been over this already, you are far too reckless to allow you to fly, thus the Psych guys have denied your application for space missions."

Jeb:"But I get to go to the Mun, right? "

Gene: *sigh*

The next day

Mission Control: "Ok Jeb, Radio check 1,2, how do you copy?"

Jeb: "Coming in loud and clear control, over."

Mission Control: "We've been over this, you don't have to say 'over' when you're finished."

Jeb: "got it, over."

Mission Control: "..... fine, whatever, listen, this is pretty simple. We're just gonna strap you into the capsule that's sitting on the launch pad, run through a few checks, and have you perform a few exercises, just like we told you yesterday."

Jeb: "Roger that, I'm getting into the capsule now, not much room in this thing."


Mission Control: "Too bad, we can't make anything bigger right now, need to save as much weight as possible"

Jeb: "Alright, I'm all strapped in, now what?"

Mission Control: "Standby Jeb, Bringing systems online now."

Jeb:"Hey cool! Lights just lit up."

Mission Control: "It's supposed to do that Jeb. Alright, systems check Jeb, Mainbus A,"

Jeb:"Umm, 12 volts, 25 amps, check."

Mission Control: "Mainbus B"

Jeb:"12 volts, 25 amps, check"

Mission Control: "Confirmed, Mainbus checks out. Alright, O2 1"

Jeb:"Holding at 35 PSI, check"

Mission Control: "O2 2,"

Jeb:"35 PSI, check"

Mission Control: "Confrimed good O2 1&2, Cabin Pressure."

Jeb:"16 PSI, check."

Mission Control: "Confirmed, Ok, Flight Computer to "ON,""

Jeb: flips a switch "Hey, even more lights!"

Mission Control: "Jeb, focus, I'll take that as a check, STGT UPLINK to ON"

Jeb: Flicks another switch "Check"

Mission Control: "Ok, Capsule checks out. Go ahead and get on out Jeb."

Jeb: Reaches above him and pulls the lever, suddenly the hatch flies 30 feet off "Ummm"

Mission Control: "*audible sight*That was the emergency release Jeb, its been tested already."

Jeb:"Umm, sorry?"

Mission Control: "Whatever, Just get out and start taking samples."

Jeb:"No Problems."



Jeb: "Alright, I've collected something from the launch pad, Storing it in the capsule."

Mission Control: "Roger Jeb, Move to point B."

Jeb:"Copy that"



Jeb: "Control, I've collected samples from point B, Moving to point C"

Mission Control: "Copy that Jeb, Moving to point C.



Jeb: "Samples collected from point C, Moving to Point D. Say, does it really have to be 2 klicks out?"

Mission Control: "Already been over this Jeb, Its expected to walk at least that far out on landing sights, we need to get an accurate picture of what it it's like in that suit.

Jeb: "I can already tell you right now. HOT! And I'm hungry"

Mission Control: "Just get the samples from point D, then you're done, alright?"

Jeb: "Alright Alright, I'm moving"



Jeb: "Samples from Point D collected, and the suit is waterproof, Also, that cooled me down. Hey! thats an idea, why don't we put some water in this thing, should help cool us down"

Mission Control: "I'll pass your suggestion along, We'll have the recovery unit sent out when you get back, Good Work, Control signing off.


Techs Unlocked: Basic Rocketry, General Rocketry, Stability, Survivability

Ribbon Awarded image.php?user_ribbon=258

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Good luck with it. I'm going to do Interstellar eventually myself, but it's going to have to be in a totally separate game install because the mod introduces radiant solar heating on everything, and ships without radiators (which is every ship you've got in space prior to installing the mod) will thus curl up and die immediately.

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not entirely true, just ones that rely on large amounts of expanding solar panels and nukes. I actually took a probe close to the sun and returned it in an earlier save that I was playing around with. Nothing exploded despite the ship overheating and with solar panels that are always on... it works. Early long range comm-sats could be a problem though.

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Breaking News! Kerbalnaut Killed After Re-entry.

Kerbalnaut Edely Kerman was killed just a few hours ago in an accident that is currently under investigation. Details are somewhat scarce right now but what we do know is that the capsule containing Edely re-entered the atmosphere after his launch in Finch

1, and impacted the surface at speeds of 360 kilometers an hour or greater. Mission Director Sydney Kerman has denied accusations that his team is to blame and points the blame squarely at the parachute system. An investigation is being launched as we speak, and investigators promise details as soon as their investigation is complete

Currently none of the Kerbalnaut Corps is available for comment, but the Corps has commented on this disaster.

We are deeply saddened at the loss of a fine Kerbalnaut, but his loss does not mean the end of the Corps and we will continue with Kerbaled flights. Another Launch is scheduled in two months and I'm assured that it will be safer and any defects

in the launch vehicle will be fixed before the launch of Finch 2.

As stated, another launch is scheduled in two months, but the pilot has not yet been named. We will inform you of any updates to this and other important stories. To repeat, Kerbalnaut Edely Kerman was killed after the first launch by the Kerbal Space

Program. Current scrutiny is focused on the parachute system and if it did indeed fail, and if so, why.


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Ok, so two things.

1. Most importantly, I downloaded the FASA mod, and this has allowed for even better looking rockets for one, and the start of (limited) RCS functions right off the bat. It also allows for a probe core at the start (albeit useless ATM) and some cool launch clamps pretty soon, like next tech.

2. I won't spoil too much of the story, and I plan on putting up the mission log and investigation report tomorrow. But, lets just say the self-imposed rules got me, along with DR :blush:.

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Ok folks, No story this time, aside from what happened and telling it from my perspective. This may happen quite a bit in this series and I apologize, but I'm not a great writer, but every now and then I get these ideas. The last one I had rolling around in my head before this even started, so it's either wait weeks on end for a story to develop or just do it as a LP. It might be a mix though, especially around launch stages.

So, Finch 1 and what happened. Well, let's not spoil things eh. So, here it is, Finch 1


I've found I really like some parts of my mods, and the FASA parts are especially helpful for following the rules of this ISQ early on. For one, RCS ports in the second tech, the 1.25m bottom launch clamp is a nice touch as well. Can also simulate fueling the rocket as it provides fuel, so yes you can start your engines and hold them at full power and not cut into your dV just by sitting on the launch pad, very nice. Pilot was Edely Kerman, brave and not entirely stupid, unlike Rosey Kerman, who might see future Finch launches.

On the pad, innit she sweet, oh yes. Lemme explain the small details you can't see, starting at the top. we have a LES, cap and parachute. A very nice looking parachute as well. Might be used as a radial chute. Below it, packed in a fairing is the Mercury retro-rockets, the plan was to slow its decent. Note: I said plan. It detaches just like the real thing did. Two Goo Canisters, The plan is to EVA, collect the samples and return without them, now that I know you can do that. Same with the Geiger Counter.


And without further ado, BLASTOFF, just gotta get the engines running.... and nope, not one unit of fuel was lost, FASA=Awesome.


And LIFTOFF!, We're off.


Beginning our gravity turn, also note, I sometimes have issues with it not being exactly on the 90 during some launches, this was one of them. This does not contribute to the crash however.


I have however, due to not having Mechjeb, COMPLETELY underestimated how much TWR I have... note the 2g acceleration, at 14km. I should be at the 90 by now. This however, is a contributing factor.


Doing science, however, 60km+ and still at 30 +/-, and accelerating at 2Gs, PROBLEM... How much I would not find out till later


Anyone spot the problems here, If not, I'll point them out. I'm not only at 85km, accelerating in excess of 2gs, but I'm also still at that 35 degree pitch up attitude. Needless to say my Apoapsis is too high and my re-entry trajectory is too steep. At the time I didnt think it was a problem. Heh...


Collecting the science via EVA.


And ditching the booster, just one small problem.... MY RCS PORTS #$!%..... The RCS ports were placed on the decoupler..... I seriously need to point the other way..... parachute in danger, heck the whole mission and my science is in trouble.


So I began thinking, those retro-rockets, I wonder if they can gimble, so I give it a try... thats a no, and as a result of burning early... I have a 306km Ap and an even steeper re-entry trajectory. I still didnt think this was a problem... In a few minutes however, I would be proved wrong, very very wrong.


Ditching the retro-rockets. Did I mention the previous burn also induced some tumbling? no? Oh... ok.


60Km up and it looks like saved the day, It actually looks like its gonna hit the atmosphere butt first. YAY


And at 35km I am in fact pointed in the retro-grade vector. Crisis averted Wait, what do you mean, OH COME ON, its pointed the right way, should be fine, heat shield, no? how?


Note the 8Gs, It actually hit 10-12Gs but yeah, the high G forces destroyed my chute.... Sorry Edely, blame physics. :(


aaaaaannnnnnnd, IMPACT. I have however placed a flag in the KSC for you, and you won't be forgotten. Welp.... back to the drawing board.


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Stay tuned for the launch of Finch 2, with model I-A. I won't spoil it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I have not updated in a week and a half, but I've been sick for pretty much that long, and I had a 48 hour work week so progress is... slow. On top of that, Imgur is down today so no uploading. I have however renamed the series so at to not take Scott Manley's creative naming and using it for my own.

The bright side is that I have sorted out missions 3-8 (yeah yeah, flown, not felt like sorting through the large amount of screenshots and uploading), And I've updated the main post to include several new rules (just to make things even harder) and added links to all my mods so you can go take a look.

I'll see if Imgur will let me upload later tonight.

Edit to add: I have learned that Imgur only allows for 150 images, and needless to say I will exceed that very shortly with this series. As such I am working on migrating existing IPET mission photos over to Google + for storage. I won't be doing this immediately but it will happen sometime this week and as such, Mission 4 posting will be delayed.... yay :(

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Needless to say, the disaster that was Finch 1 was not the start I was hoping for. Well, get back on the horse and all that jazz. So after a redesign (and actual testing) the Finch Mk I-A was rolled out to the launch pad and Rosey Kerman who is highly courageous is the pilot for this flight. Per the rules, 2 months time was spent waiting while our engineers redesigned the Finch I and gave us the Finch Mk I-A.

Nothing major was done (hence the -A suffix), but the major change was the moving of the RCS ports to the capsule and not the rocket itself. This feature allows for control of the capsule while separated from the rest of the rocket.


So with that problem sorted, nothing should go wrong. Without further ado, SPAAAZZZEEE!


Ok, so it's just the launch, still though, we are on our way, just gotta roll to 90°


Doing science on the way up, BECAUSE SCIENCE!


More science. Lovely lovely science...


Gratuitous glamour shot. Visual Enhancement mod FTW!!


another GGS


Mode 1 Char..... errr Tower Jet! Wait... what was that metalic clang I heard


Noooooo!!, my lovely science! Come back to me, no one loved you as much as I ever do


*sigh* Its too dangerous to try and EVA to collect the science... best to just leave it


Still though, might as well get SOME science. So, crew reports


Reaching the peak of reentry heating, nothing major and 5Gs is quite tolerable


Main chute deployed and we are coming home.


Chute fully deployed, We're safe.


And recovery of our limited science... *sigh* Guess there will be an extra Finch launch just to collect the data that wasn't recovered....


In case some of you are wondering what the heck happened... I had the tower jettison linked to action group 2, and because it looks so cool to fire that off, I wanted a screenshot. Since I play through steam, that meant pressing F12... F12 is awefully close to backspace, which is my abort key >.< , So while the LES tower had decoupled and fired, the abort key was still linked to the Retro-booster decouple and it decoupled when I took the screenshot. My mistakes for your enjoyment.. Still though, partial success since I still got science and my kerbal survived (yay)

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So, with the disaster of Finch 1 and the partial success of Finch 2, it was back to drawing board, almost. With the recovery of Finch 2, it gave me just enough science to unlock the materials bay to gather even more science, and during the downtime between the last to launches, the engineers at IPET have been hard at work on a new design, the Bluibird.


Its purpose is simple, get science from the lower and upper atmosphere, launched two weeks apart. It contains a drogue and main chute, a materials bay, goo, and Geiger Counter. Essentially it goes straight up and comes back down mostly over land.

Pad shot


And up we go :)


And here we are collecting science. Again, tilted slightly west so it will actually come down on land and we don't have to send boats out to retrieve it.


And separating the science portion from the rest of the rocket so its not so heavy on the chutes


Yep, land.


Overall, not a whole lot of science gathered from the two launches, but right now every little bit helps.


Anyways, moving, Now we get to Finch 3, featuring Patwig Kerman. Patwig is not exactly our bravest kerbalnaut, but much less stupid than Rosy. What am I saying? They are Kerbals so they are all just as stupid as lemmings :sticktongue: Patwig's mission is pretty simple, get a stable orbit, and FINALLY get some science from space. However Finch 3 differs from the previous Finch rockets in that the main tank is longer, and there is a second stage featuring an LV-909 engine, along with an internal computer system (ok, its a probe core) and an antenna so it can de-orbit itself once over the KSC. Yeah, you do get a preview of our next Kerbalnauts.


"9,8,7,6,5 Ignition Sequence Start, 3,2...."


"Liftoff, Roll Program initiated"


"Roll Complete, We are pitching!"


"Altitude, On the line. Velocity, Right on the line"


Now if I would stop quoting Apollo 13... good movie though. Anyway, Reached SECO


My "Time To Apoapsis" is a little low so I bring it up a little and jettison the tower while I'm at it


MECO, Coasting to apoapsis.


While I'm coasting I can do science though. Now Sovek, don't screw this up... *sigh*


MOAR SCIENCE!! Can never have enough science


Getting ready to raise the periapsis. Need to test the de-orbiting capabilities of this craft


After raising our periapsis above Kerbin's atmosphere, its time to go EVA and collect our sweet, lovely, juicy science. mmm... science


Saddly I didn't get any images of the de-orbit burn of the second stage, but it worked like a charm. With that done, it was time to fire our retro-boosters and come home.


And time to ditch the retro-booster, just in time too cause we don't have any electricity left. I need batteries.




Is it just me or is it a bit hot in here?


Watch out Kerbin, Cause Patwig is comin' home


WOOHOOO, 76 Science, time to unlock.... STUFF!


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