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PhX HyperJet


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This is the first spaceplane I\'ve put up here in a very long time:



This is the PhX HyperJet, a three-engined cruiser with landing capabilities, and a decent fuel range. You\'ll need all of the C7 packs to make it work, except Hardpoints, and Epsilon\'s Node.

It has good pitch controls, but be warned: full thrust leaves it extremely vulnerable to tumbling, and it is recommended that you keep below 110m/s in the lower atmosphere.


-Good pitch control.



-Plenty of mounting points for you weapon nuts.

-Balances well enough at launch, you\'d think it was by design!


-Roll is just about non-existent. With the current VAB setup we have now, the game does not apply roll to the outer flaps; thus, the weird mini-flap thingies down the middle.

-Must be landed VERY carefully, otherwise it may break up, or lose an engine.

-No RCS, so all orbital adjustments must be made with the main engines.

-Cannot land in water, unless you try to land it sideways ;)

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