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orbital ring

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Don't bother KSP doesn't load craft more than 2.5 kilometers away,not even big enough for Gilly.Although I don't know if this is true with KMP.You can always wait for the asteroid expansion as they most likely won't be larger than 2.5km in diameter.

EDIT:People did try but they ran into the 2.5km thing.

Edited by Spartwo
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Don't bother KSP doesn't load craft more than 2.5 kilometers away,not even big enough for Gilly.Although I don't know if this is true with KMP.You can always wait for the asteroid expansion as they most likely won't be larger than 2.5km in diameter.

As soon as even part of the vessel comes near it loads. Ships don't load piece by piece as you cross the 2.5km threshold but in one go. However the part count would just be too high.

I'm started a large ring in space but it won't be even close to that size.

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yeah... I dunno. I think the 32-bit memory space might be a problem with this one even if the 2.5km thing wasn't, even with welding. You could always just whack up a load of satellites in precisely matched orbits (by which I mean, within 10m maximum orbital inclination distance and perfectly period-synchronised to guarantee no collisions), but that just gets tedious.

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I have a problem when constructing very large stations, in that when I get to a certain point, I don't know if it's part density or what, I could be approaching with another segment and pretty much the second the remote physics kicks in the target structure explodes into a zillion pieces - a good few of the persistent bits of debris (marked as "probes" even though there are no probe cores on them!) are ejected across the system at relativistic speed! Often the ship I'm riding in on explodes as well...

Some sort of Kraken? Funny thing is, it does not happen if I have *many* independent satellites floating around (not docked to each other)...

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