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Why resources should be put on the front burner


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I have been playing KSP since about .20. I have done manned landing on pretty much every planet and moon with return. I have built space stations around many planetary bodies. I have docked, redocked and docked again. I did career mode 5 times over with unlocking everything. I love this game but I hit a wall. After doing all that I said "what is there left to do?' I found myself not playing anymore as there was no desire to.

Well a couple of weeks ago I installed the kethane mod. I dabbled at first. Playing maybe an hour a night. Seeing the possibilities. And slowly every night I found myself playing more and more each night. My 1 hour stint soon turned into 1.5 then 2, then 4, and tonight sat here for a good 6 hours going over new missions and things to do, let alone redesigning crafts 50 times over to get the best efficiency out of them.

I found with even the most basic of resources added to the game such as the Kethane mod it added new worlds of possibilities. With just the thoughts in my head of what id like to do it will add hundreds of hours of gameplay back to a game that I was getting bored of. I am planning to set up stations yet again around all planetary bodies, but this time around they have purpose.

First step is sending probes to check out the planets. I designed a 2 part ship tonight with 6 probes that should easily get to Jool and back and be able to transfer to all the moons, drop a probe and then head back to kerbal. It took me 2 days to redesign this ship to do what I wanted it to. Then after launching both sections, having the drive section refuel at my Mun orbital kethane refinery and get the probe section up and dock with it, I realize I've spent 6 hours tonight just getting the craft assembled and ready to go to Jool. (the Kethane station in orbit of the Mun and all the trips refueling had been done by previous house of play. Along with a rescue mission of a failed landing attempt on a good 80 degree slope. Craft was destroyed but command module was left. NO KERBAL LEFT BEHIND!!!!.)

Ok. I have rambled long enough. My POINT is that how in the hell could resources be thought as "GRINDY?" With Kethane alone it has added at least 1000 hours of new gameplay to me. If the system was expanded and made more detailed then I cannot think of the limit there would be. I don't understand why this would be put on the back burner as the devs have said.

On a last note. I know that all the non-resource people will start chiming in. Well remember this. I am not using any economy based mod. Just Kethane for the pure reason of exploration and , well, something to do. Even if they did add resources like lets say Kethane on steroids with multiple resources, you still wouldn't have to use it. You could do your Eeloo and back missions using what YOU want.


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First. As I understand it... it isn't even on the back burner... It's been consigned to the trash bin.

They are not working on it and have no plans to ever work on it again.

Second. I completely agree with you and think the development of resources should be immediately restarted with maybe Multiplayer being pushed to the back burner.

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Although I agree with you on most of your points, it ultimately is up to Squad to decide whether or not to develop a piece for KSP. The community can insist however much they want but Squad makes the final decision. If they decide to not implement resources or delay it for later then we cannot do anything about it except install a mod that gives us this functionality. This is where to good news comes in. If the community wants a feature badly enough then a mod developer will step in and create it. This helps drive the community forward and lets Squad realize that mods are an integral part of KSP. Just because Squad decides not to add something doesn't mean that it is simply gone. I'm sure that resources will be officially implemented at some point but there is no telling when.

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Can always just keep using Kethane mod. The game was designed to be modded.

I'm surprised that this mod has not progressed down the path Squad originally had in mind for resource mining after they canned it.

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Unfortunately, those of us who are the most skilled at KSP are in the minority. While we can ask the developers to make efforts to appease us, ultimately they have to focus on the bigger picture. In time the active userbase as a whole (which is the group that counts for the most when your product is no longer selling well) will become more experienced, and then we will undoubtedly see the rise of more advanced features like expanded resources in stock. For now, we must be satisfied with mods to scratch our particular itches.

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